At school or college, young Lozériens are encouraged to play sports on a regular basis

At school or college, young Lozériens are encouraged to play sports on a regular basis

Thirty minutes of physical activity every day at school. FREE MIDI – STEPHANIE BOULOIR

At school or college, young Lozériens are encouraged to play sports on a regular basis

Les collégiens découvrent les arts martiaux mixtes avec l'association Pancrace 48. MIDI LIBRE – STEPHANIE BOULOIR

Trente minutes d'activités physiques quotidiennes en primaire, deux heures de sport supplémentaires chaque semaine au collège : focus sur les dispositifs déployés pour faire bouger les jeunes.

After doing mathematics, the CM1 students from Anne Moulin's class, at the Jean-Bonijol de Mende school group, go down to the courtyard. Hoops, small hurdles, skipping ropes and balloons await them there. For thirty minutes, they will exercise as part of the thirty minutes of daily physical activities at school.

At school

This system has been tested since last year at the Jean-Bonijol school. Since the last school year, it has officially been in force in all primary schools. Educational kits have been developed at the national level, training has been organized, so that teachers can carry out these times as best as possible. "It's not sport, it's a physical activity", specifies rector Sophie Béjean, visiting Lozère this Monday, February 5, 2024.

"I'm not trying to assess athletic skills. The goal is for the children to do as much sport in thirty minutes, each at their own level", poses Anne Moulin. When they return to class, the children are calm, ready to refocus. "According to the feedback, there is an immediate effect on learning, agrees Sophie Béjean. And there is also a public health issue. One of the expectations is that children get into the habit of this daily physical activity time."

At college

Meanwhile, at the Vernède gymnasium, middle school students are taking advantage of the system which offers two additional hours of sport per week. They come from Henri-Bourrillon college. "We particularly encourage students who do not play sports to invest in these slots", explains principal Alexandre Jaffuel. Currently, middle school students are doing a mixed Marian arts (MMA) cycle, adapted to teenagers and focused on the discovery of martial arts and combat sports. They are supervised by Ghislain Rochette, from the Pancrace 48 association. A roller skating cycle will follow. 

In Lozère, six colleges offer this system, two in Mende, and those in Langogne, Saint-Chély-d'Apcher, Le Collet-de-Dèze and La Canourgue. That is 300 young people and around fifteen disciplines, taught by clubs. For students, it's of course free.

Back to school 2024 in Lozère

In the morning, the rector met with the elected officials of Lozère. At the heart of the discussions, the means granted to the department for the start of the 2024 school year. Means approved "significantly improve the conditions of supervision of students in a context of declining numbers in the first level; and stability in the second degree." In Lozère, let us remember, three teaching positions must be "returned" in the first degree. The final decision, and therefore the elimination of classes or the reorganization allowing these positions to be returned, should be taken at the beginning of March.

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