Béziers: drug trafficking began to take hold on rue Casimir-Péret

Béziers: drug trafficking began to take hold on rue Casimir-Péret

Le couple affirmait que les 24 g de résine présents dans l’appartement provenaient d’une consommation personnelle. Illustration Midi Libre

The four individuals arrested appeared immediately before the judicial court on Tuesday, August 6. The manager of the traffic remains in pretrial detention, the other three were placed under judicial supervision. The case was adjourned until September 11.

At the beginning of July, information reached the Béziers police concerning a new drug trafficking operation on Rue Casimir-Péret. After surveillance work, the police witnessed several transactions on July 31. A 63-year-old buyer was arrested as well as a 24-year-old seller. Investigators were able to trace the home address of the alleged perpetrator of the trafficking, an 18-year-old man living with his 19-year-old girlfriend.

During the arrest, the young man allegedly threw a 30g piece of resin out of the window. The couple had 23g of cannabis resin and €1,000 in cash in their apartment. With another of their alleged sellers, they appeared in court immediately this Tuesday, August 6.

The 18-year-old young man who started the trafficking remains in pretrial detention. The other three are under judicial supervision. The case has been adjourned until September 11.

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