Béziers: Purple Campus wants to support the industrial development of the Béziers region with a new sector

Béziers: Purple Campus wants to support the industrial development of the Béziers region with a new sector

Sur le site du Purple Campus de Béziers Midi Libre – ANTONIA JIMENEZ

Deux nouvelles formations Bac + 2 seront opérationnelles en 2025, mais elles manquent encore de visibilité auprès des futurs candidats, l’objectif cette saison pour Purple Campus est de les faire connaître.

Supporting the development of industry in the Béziers region is a challenge that the Purple Campus Béziers is tackling. With the launch of Genvia, a new player in the green hydrogen sector in Occitanie, recruitment needs will have to be met. The new feature for this 2024-2025 season is the opening of an industrial sector, with a BTS in industrial systems maintenance and a BTS in electrical engineering, both added to the training menu. But these opportunities lack visibility, and in this back-to-school week, the whole objective of the director Lionel Richard, head of the establishment, is to promote these training courses:

“It's brand new, we haven't communicated much until now, so we are under construction, in order to be operational in January 2025. Even though we have a lot of continuing education as part of the Eden project (Sustainable ecosystem and natural energies, a support that aims to be similar to Silicon Valley in California or Shenzhen in China, editor's note), we want to expand our offer in the industrial field. The BTS in electrical engineering will be a real alternative for apprenticeships in Béziers, because currently only the Jean-Moulin high school offers this training.

And the needs for the establishment of this new decarbonized hydrogen industry are real, with a potential of 5,000 jobs in Béziers.

“The stakes are huge in terms of potential jobs, and therefore the development of support professions in the region, such as HR, management, and economics. In the hydrogen industry, there is a shortage of production line operators, and there are many professions that we don't necessarily know about yet. The objective today is to promote and raise awareness of all these emerging professions that are little-known in the industrial sector, which absolutely must be promoted and which have been neglected for many years."

A new professional qualification for on-board road refrigeration transport

In addition to this desire to develop the industrial sector, the other new feature at the Purple Campus is the opening of a professional qualification for on-board road refrigeration transport, in partnership with Afpa (National Agency for Training Professional Adults).

“On this training we work with three partner companies : Carrier Transicold, Thermo King and Petit Forestier, explains Lionel Richard, we are still in the recruitment phase with these companies looking for employees. We have more requests than candidates, because these are travel jobs, sometimes with staggered hours, but there is potential for career progression. Companies are aware of this and are putting in place support, salaries are also increasing a little”.

This cold transport training will be open from October 7. And to best inform potential candidates about these new opportunities, several group information days are being organized at the Purple Campus this September.

Collective information days at the Purple Campus: September 10, 12 and 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Registration required at the training center: 04 67 80 97 09

The Purple Campus in figures

First in the network in Occitanie and leader in apprenticeship, Purple Campus in Béziers is the training arm of the Chamber of Commerce and ;rsquo;industry. With 16 sectors including hotel/restaurant, mechanics, bodywork, hairdressing, business and health eacute; and newly the industry, the training center welcomes around 1,100 apprentices for this 2024 academic year. On the scale of Purple Campus Occitanie (which brings together 19 centers), 6,500 apprentices entered training for this return to school. 91% of apprentices find a job or continue their training à the exit of the CFA.

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