Caminarem college in Alès opens its doors on Saturday February 3

Caminarem college in Alès opens its doors on Saturday February 3

Caminarem college will open its doors on Saturday February 3 in Alès Midi Libre – Romain Fiore

Caminarem college in Alès opens its doors on Saturday February 3

L'accueil et les salles de classe du collège Calminarem Midi Libre – Romain Fiore

Ce collège privé qui applique la pédagogie Steiner-Waldorf accueille une trentaine de collégiens. Les portes ouvertes se dérouleront le samedi 3 février de 13h à 17h.

Created in 1994, the Caminarem school is one of 19 Waldorf-certified establishments in France, including three in Occitanie, with nursery and primary classes in Monteils, and a middle school in Alès. This private college outside of a contract with the State, which teaches alternative Steiner-Waldorf pedagogy, opened its establishment on the Bedosse estate in the Rieu district in September 2019.

The establishment which offers alternative education on the basis of an intellectual system, a center of will, and an artistic center, is organizing its open day this Saturday. The Alésien college, located at 1410, chemin de la Bedosse, will welcome parents interested in enrolling their children there, for the start of the September school year, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Demonstration of student work

Teachers, as well as many students attending this college, will be present to answer questions from visitors, adults and children alike. Founded on an active and participatory pedagogy, the Caminarem school today welcomes around thirty students in its establishment in Alès, with the plan to expand the site from 2024, which would accommodate a school elementary and kindergarten.

This day will be an opportunity to present the school, to discover the educational exhibitions, the different subjects studied, and the work carried out by the students in class. They will also be able to exhibit their handicrafts, and everything they learned during their wood and art class. The students will perform a choir at 2:30 p.m., then those in 3rd grade will present the creation of a technical object and art.

For additional information on this day or more generally on the school, contact 04 66 83 20 43 or

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