Car drives the wrong way on the A20 motorway and hits another vehicle: two dead in head-on collision

Car drives the wrong way on the A20 motorway and hits another vehicle: two dead in head-on collision

Deux hommes meurt dans un choc frontal sur l'autoroute A20. (illustration) MAXPPP – Mourad ALLILI

On the morning of this Sunday, August 4, two people died in an accident on the A20 motorway near Montauban.

The events took place around 4 am this Sunday in Tarn-et-Garonne. The accident between two vehicles took place on the A20 motorway in the Paris-Toulouse direction. Two people died and a third victim in serious condition was taken to Purpan hospital, according to information from La Dépêche.

A head-on collision

Shortly before the Chaumes exit towards Montauban, one of the two vehicles was driving in the wrong direction. The two drivers, two men aged 44 and 45, of the cars were killed instantly in this head-on collision.

One of the passengers in a car was taken to hospital in Toulouse in an absolute emergency, a second passenger, in a relative emergency, was taken care of and transferred to the hospital in Montauban, our colleagues specify.

A large force was dispatched to the scene, namely around twenty firefighters but also the police services who closed the motorway for the duration of the intervention. An investigation has been opened and investigations are underway to determine the exact circumstances of the tragedy.

Nearly a hundred accidents

On the department's roads, 15 people have already died since the beginning of the year and nearly a hundred accidents have been recorded.

“July and August are a time of year when we unfortunately have many fatal accidents. This was the case last year and it is also the case this year,” said the chief of staff of the prefect of Tarn-et-Garonne, Bénédicte Martineau, to La Dépêche.

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