Marek Halter presented his latest work on Tuesday in Montpellier. Midi Libre – Michael Esdourrubailh Marek Halter was in Montpellier on Tuesday to present his novel, In Your
The investigation into the fatal shooting that targeted rapper SCH's entourage on August 26 is progressing. The investigations now seem to favor the theory of an extortion attempt
49 Ukrainiens rentrent chez eux après l'échange de prisonniers de guerre avec la Russie. MAXPPP – STR Every day, Midi Libre takes stock of the situation in Ukraine.
The original starting square was recreated by the civilian and military corps, without forgetting the youth and the crowd, as on September 14, 1944, the day the Vigan-Braquet
Les porte-drapeaux réunis lors du dépôt de gerbe au monument aux Morts. Midi Libre – F. A. L’assemblée générale de l’association nationale des anciens du 23e RI organisée
Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité en région sur Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur Anger in the
L’enseignante visée par les plaintes avait une classe de CP. Photo d'illustration – JEAN-MICHEL MART Parents have testified to La Dépêche about the teacher's inappropriate behavior. An investigation
80 years ago, the Liberation signaled the end of the fighting in the Second World War: the resistance fighters of the Bir Hakeim maquis suffered heavy human losses.
The “Ig Nobel” for peace was awarded to the late American psychologist B.F. Skinner for placing trained pigeons in the noses of missiles to guide them during World
Rapper Koba LaD, involved in a fatal accident in Créteil on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday and who was under the influence of "narcotics" at the time