Cervical cancer: a promising new immunotherapy treatment presented in Barcelona

Cervical cancer: a promising new immunotherapy treatment presented in Barcelona

Le cancer du col de l’utérus touche MANI20150921F01 Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

Le congrès de la société européenne d’oncologie médicale (Esmo), organisé à Barcelone, a présenté des résultats encourageants de traitement du cancer du col de l’utérus, qui a touché 3159 femmes en France en 2023.

An 8% increase in patients' life expectancy: Esmo, the congress of the European Society of Medical Oncology, held in Barcelona until September 17, shows the promising results of a new treatment for cervical cancer, which affected 3,159 women in 2023 in France.

The protocol plans to add immunotherapy to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the current treatment protocol, which consists of “educating” the body to respond to cancer.

Presented at Esmo, the “phase 3” study, which assesses the therapeutic benefit of a drug in a sufficient number of patients to open the prospect of marketing, shows the benefit of pembrolizumab, a monoclonal antibody.

Melanoma too

“It is striking that we are now observing, in cancers that are more difficult to treat such as bladder cancer, the “Long-term improvements in cervical cancer and triple-negative breast cancer,” says Rebecca Dent, Esmo's scientific chair, in an interview published in the journal Medscape Medical News. Another publication presented at the conference, according to Medscape Medical News, shows an impressive improvement in overall survival in melanoma patients, also thanks to immunotherapy.

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