Christmas bonus 2024: up to more than 500 euros… are you eligible for this end-of-year boost ?

Christmas bonus 2024: up to more than 500 euros… are you eligible for this end-of-year boost ?

Qui est éligible à cette aide ? MAXPPP – Mourad ALLILI

Créée en 1998, la prime de Noël aide chaque année plus de 2,3 millions de foyers. Le point sur son montant, ses bénéficiaires et sa date de versement cette année 2024.

Are you entitled to the Christmas bonus ? Its real name is "exceptional end-of-year bonus", it will be paid like every end of year since 1998 to certain beneficiaries of social security benefits by the CAF, the Caisse centrale de la Mutualité sociale agricole (CCMSA) and France Travail. This is to cover the expenses of the end-of-year holidays.

Who are the beneficiaries ?

In reality, there are two Christmas bonuses. The one paid by the Caf and the MSA as well as that granted by France Travail.

The beneficiaries of the first bonus (Caf and MSA) are those receiving:

the basic active solidarity income (RSA) the basic RSA and the activity bonus if the household resources do not exceed the amount of the basic RSA depending on the composition of the family the specific solidarity allowance (ASS), at an increased rate or not.

The people concerned by the Christmas bonus from France Travail are the beneficiaries :

of aid for the creation or takeover of a business (Accre) of training compensation paid by France Travail if it follows an ASS payment of the retirement equivalent allowance (AER) of the flat-rate bonus for the resumption of activity of the Transitional Solidarity Bonus (PTS).

Can we receive the activity bonus and the Christmas bonus ?

Excluded from this aid are beneficiaries of the return to work allowance (ARE), the disabled adult allowance (AAH) and the minimum old age pension. If those of the activity bonus are also excluded, one case is an exception.

To benefit from the Christmas bonus if you receive the activity bonus (formerly RSA activity) you must receive the activity bonus in November or December 2022 AND the basic RSA (regardless of the amount), knowing that your household resources must not exceed the amount of the basic RSA which corresponds to the composition of the family.

To find out if you are eligible for the Christmas bonus while receiving the activity bonus, you can check your CAF account. If you meet the accumulation condition, a payment notification will appear a few days before the bonus is paid.

What are the amounts and the date of their payment ?

According to the website Mes, the amount of the Christmas bonus has not changed for 6 years. Although it was increased by 35% in 2023 for single-parent families, there is no indication that a similar system will be put in place in 2024.

The amount of the bonus varies according to the family situation and the number of dependent children:

152.45 € for a single person without children 228.67 € for a couple without children or a single person with one child 274.41 € for a couple with one child or a single person with 2 children 320.14 € for a couple with 2 children 335.39 € for a single person with 3 children 381.12 € for a couple with 3 children 396.37 € for a single person with 4 children 442.10 € for a couple with 4 children 457.35 € for a single person with 5 children 503.09 € for a couple with 5 children

Whether you are a single parent or a couple, each additional child is increased by 60.98 euros.

Concerning the France Travail aid, its amount of 152.45 euros, is the same for all beneficiaries living in mainland France and in the overseas departments and regions (DROM). For Mayotte, the premium is 76.22 euros.

As indicated by Thanksfortheinfo, the payment, which generally falls around December 15, could be paid on Friday 13 or Monday 16 December.

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