Coeur d'Hérault: a new tailor-made co-working space for artisans

Coeur d'Hérault: a new tailor-made co-working space for artisans

In Aniane, the Fourmazel should open its doors in October. JM – JM

Coeur d'Hérault: a new tailor-made co-working space for artisans

Coeur d'Hérault: a new tailor-made co-working space for artisans

Un croquis du projet de rez-de-chaussée, signé Marielle Maury. MM – MM

A Aniane, la créatrice Marielle Maury va bientôt ouvrir un atelier partagé : Le Fourmazel.

Neighbors, for years at the Métiers d'Art workshop in Montpellier, Marielle Maury and Sophie Metta have been able to forge unbreakable bonds by working together. “Emulation”, the word also comes back as a leitmotif in the words of these two craftswomen, clothing designers, now based in Aniane. A logical next step for Marielle Maury. Specializing in the creation of wedding dresses and women's party clothing, she confides “having always had the idea of ​​having a workshop in a rural area. After all, not everything happens in Montpellier", explains this business manager who has lived in the Hérault Valley for years and is now leading the project, already well advanced, to create the “Fourmazel”* in Aniane: a coworking space. A shared workshop, tailor-made for craftspeople. “This place was imagined following what we had experienced together in Montpellier. This collaboration between craftspeople worked well. It made us all grow", adds Sophie Metta, a men's tailor a stone's throw from Fourmazel.

A resource center on textiles

Moreover, during covid, “With the help of the CCVH, with other textile designers from the area, we had started working on a potential group of textile designers”, recalls Marielle Maury. A project that did not come to fruition, formally, but inspired the creation of Fourmazel. “That really made me realize that I wanted to integrate my workshop into the sector. And the idea was to have something a little bigger, that I could share. And to also make it a resource center on textiles. With Sophie, we want to offer a textile café, for example one Sunday a month and bring together designers or professionals passionate about textiles”, anticipates Marielle Maury. While waiting for these meetings to forge new links in Cœur d’Hérault, work is progressing well at Fourmazel where premises are still available. Notice to fans of tailor-made projects… and emulation made in Cœur d’Hérault.

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