Collision between two Rafales in mid-flight: origin of the accident, possible piloting error… justice opens an investigation

A judicial inquiry has been opened in Metz following the collision on Wednesday of two Rafale aircraft resulting in the death of two pilots in Meurthe-et-Moselle, the prosecutor's office said on Friday.

The investigation was opened on the grounds of “destruction or decommissioning of military aircraft due to negligence of the commander", Thomas Bernard, deputy public prosecutor of Metz, told AFP.

"This is the normal triggering of a legal procedure to which we do not have access", a military source close to the case told AFP. "The vocabulary is difficult to read for upset families but it is the legal translation of a possible error of judgment in the piloting of the aircraft", according to this source who requested anonymity.

The investigation has been entrusted to the research section of the air gendarmerie, with support of the Meurthe-et-Moselle departmental gendarmerie group, indicated Mr. Bernard. "The objective of the investigations, in light of the collection of testimonies, findings and technical examinations, is to determine the circumstances and causes of this tragic accident", continued the magistrate. The Metz prosecutor's office has jurisdiction in the military field in eastern France.

An accident during a combat maneuver

Two fighter planes from the Saint-Dizier base (Haute-Marne) collided on Wednesday in the Colombey-les-Belles sector “during a combat maneuver”, the Ministry of the Air and Space Forces had specified.

The pilot of the first Rafale had ejected and was recovered with slight injuries by the emergency services, while extensive search operations had been launched to find the two occupants of the other aircraft, a two-seater. . The President of the Republic announced their deaths on Wednesday evening.

In parallel with this judicial inquiry, the Bureau of Accident Investigations for the Safety of Aviation of #39;State (BEA-E) has taken charge of the safety investigation. The departmental road linking Colombey-les-Belles to Harmonville (Vosges), where the wreckage of the two-seater was found, is still closed to traffic.

The soldiers in charge of searching for debris are still "on the ground" this Friday, and their vehicles are parked on the departmental road, which justifies its closure, the mayor of Harmonville (Vosges), Stéphane Philippe, told AFP.

The mayor was heard, like other witnesses, at Air Base 133 in Nancy-Ochey, after being contacted by the Research Section of the Villacoublay Air Gendarmerie, he said. Investigators are questioning “as many people as possible, and as quickly as possible”, according to the chosen one.

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