Conferences, workshops, stands, walks, massages: “Nîmes, Well-being destination” comes back even stronger

Conferences, workshops, stands, walks, massages: “Nîmes, Well-being destination” comes back even stronger

La mobilisation devient plus forte encore pour cette deuxième édition de “Nîmes, destination bien-être”.

La deuxième édition de "Nîmes, destination bien-être" se déroulera samedi 1er juin, de 10 h à 19 h, sur l'Esplanade et d'autres lieux non loin de là.

Health assistant Dolorès Orlay-Moureau showed a big smile this Thursday, May 23 during the presentation at the town hall of the second edition of "Nîmes, well-being destination&quot ;. It will be organized on the Esplanade and in other nearby locations on Saturday June 1 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Its initiative, validated two years ago by Mayor Jean-Paul Fournier, is growing more and more with 93 workshops, 14 mini-conferences, a sporting challenge and thematic walks.

Surrounded by the sports assistant Nicolas Rainville, the elected official in charge of sports and health Dominique Lacambra and the starred chef Jérôme Nutile, sponsor of the event (all like the triple jumper Jean-Marc Pontvianne), Dolorès Orlay-Moureau indicated that more than a hundred applications had been submitted, which made it possible to renew half of the participants. "We inform, receive advice from health professionals during this beautiful day during which everything is open to the public who must come in casual attire", indicates the & #39;health assistant.

Visitors will be able to learn about muscle awakening, Tai Chi, good-natured gym, pilates and healthy boxing, to name just a few examples.  The interactive workshops will allow you to talk about parent-child mediation, receive nutritional advice, colorimetry, and benefit from massages. Everything is free.

On the tatami, introductory workshops

On the Esplanade, here is the list of initiations for which you must register on site (note, limit to 10 people!):

10 a.m., muscular awakening; 10:30 a.m., postural ball; 2 p.m., instructor pound; 2:30 p.m., health boxing; 3 p.m., self-defense; 3:30 p.m., Tai Chi; 4 p.m., Tai Chi and Qi Gong children (6-12 years old); 4:30 p.m., Kinomichi; 5 p.m., good mood gym; 5:30 p.m., sophro sport; 6 p.m., pilates; 6:30 p.m., instructor pound.

For the more sporty, in partnership with the N2S Nîmes sports santé association, you can travel 1 km to donate 1 € to the League against Cancer (with Décathlon),  which will make it possible to complete, on June 1, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,  a distance of 750 km, between Nîmes and its Italian twin Verona. For those who are thirsty for discovery, four 2-hour themed walks will offer "a day of pleasure and well-being"according to Dominique Lacambra. There will be "Nîmes en culture", "Nîmes and the water", Nîmes secret and mysterious", "Nîmes flavors", & ;quot;Nîmes Gym and good humor.

For conferences (in partnership with the University Hospital for those related to health), you will have to go to the Colombus, near the Esplanade, to the Palace, boulevard de la Libération, and to the Office room, rue de la Trésorerie. Enough to satisfy our thirst for knowledge.

Numerous conferences

Colombus café: 10 a.m., balance and well-being: naturopathy as the key to holistic health; 2 p.m., discovering traditional Chinese medicine; 3 p.m., the parent-child relationship; 4 p.m., manage your stress and emotions to sleep better; 5 p.m., theater forum (parent-adolescent dialogues).

The Palace:  4 p.m., mediation still and in motion; 5 p.m., Ayurveda and its application in daily life; 6 p.m., lose weight with neuroscience.

Office room, rue de la Trésorerie: 10 a.m., better understand sleep, the keys to sleeping well; 11 a.m., polycystic ovary syndrome and diabetes; 3 p.m., living well with endometriosis; 4 p.m., live well with your medications; 5 p.m., how to manage chronic pain in 2024 ?; 6 p.m., emotional and sexual life is life.

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