Craftsmen, discover the best practices for sustainable mobility in Lozère

Craftsmen, discover the best practices for sustainable mobility in Lozère

Craftsmen, discover the best practices for sustainable mobility in Lozère

Des actions pour accompagner les artisans dans le changement. DR – DR

La chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat Occitanie participe à la semaine européenne de la mobilité, du 16 au 22 septembre 2024.

On the occasion of the European Mobility Week, craftsmen are invited to discover the initiatives and events designed to help them reduce their mobility costs and adopt more environmentally friendly practices.

The CMA offers a range of services and events to support them in this transition to sustainable mobility. Electric vehicles, eco-driving, cargo bikes, mobility diagnostics and road safety are at the heart of the themes addressed.

Tuesday, September 17, a free webinar is organized, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., “Sustainable mobility: entrepreneurs have tested it for you!” An interactive webinar where entrepreneurs will share their experiences of adopting 100% electric, cargo bikes and carpooling for their business trips. Whether you are in a rural or urban environment, take advantage of their testimonials and practical advice to assess whether these solutions are suited to your needs.

Mobility day in Mende

Friday, September 20, from 7:30 a.m., mobility day, at Foirail, in Mende, discussions with experts and discovery of concrete solutions to optimize the mobility of the company. The Cœur de Lozère community of communes and the Lozère Chamber of Trades and Crafts are organising the second business breakfast, followed by a day on mobility.

On the programme: from 8am to 4pm (without interruption), demonstration of electric and hybrid utility vehicles by Mende dealers; eco-driving road test, with on-board electronic tester; road safety stand, barrel car plus breathalyser goggles; electric cargo bike test plus purchase assistance; workshop, mobility diagnosis; small maintenance stand, checking levels, tires… ; integration association stand, mobility of people looking for work, Aloes, ALM and Aurore ; Department stand and demonstration of vehicle extrication, by the Sdis 48.

Free, for more information:

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