Cyanobacteria in Lake Salagou: Tourism professionals a little worried, visitors adapt

Cyanobacteria in Lake Salagou: Tourism professionals a little worried, visitors adapt

Les drapeaux rouges sont toujours hissés sur les zones de baignade. Midi Libre – Marco Cunill

La baignade au lac du Salagou reste fortement déconseillée jusqu’à nouvel ordre en raison de la détection de cyanobactéries. Dans l’attente des nouvelles analyses, la vie autour du lac reste figée.

Due to the rain that fell in the afternoon or to cyanobacteria, the shores of Lake Salagou were not overcrowded this Friday, August 16. On the beaches of Vailhés and Clermont-l'Hérault, the red flags remained up to prohibit swimming in these areas.

Around the lake, signs installed by the Department continue to indicate the instructions to be followed, in connection with the level 1 alert that remains in force, as part of the precautionary protocol on cyanobacteria. The analyses do not reveal any toxicity but swimming is not recommended, dogs must stay away from the water's edge and avoid ingesting it.

Finally, water activities remain authorized, each practitioner must nevertheless sign a liability waiver.

Cyanobacteria in Lake Salagou: Tourism professionals a little worried, visitors adapt

Water activities remain authorized. Midi Libre – Marco Cunill

No panic but fears

Bastien Raymond who carries out patrols for the Grand Site Salagou Mourèze declares: "It’s worrying but it’s not panic. For us, our work in patrols is above all raising awareness to preserve the Grand Site, not really for this type of event but we repeat the instructions in force, after that it's the responsibility of each."

Other tourism stakeholders seem more concerned about these cyanobacteria, fearing in particular an effect on tourist numbers and do not want to comment on the situation.

Visitors who adapt

Julie and Tim, a couple of Belgian tourists say: "We saw the signs prohibiting swimming, it's a shame because when you come to a lake you would like to swim, but it doesn't matter we will do something else, we will go for a walk, play cards. They add:   "Honestly we prefer to be deprived of swimming than not to be warned, we have young children and it's safer."

Marie-Claire, resident of Clermont-l’Hérault, came to walk her dogs and remains calm. “I never swim in the lake, so swimming doesn't really concern me. As for my dogs, they've been coming to the lake to drink for years, nothing has ever happened to them, I'm not going to make them drink on purpose but I'm not afraid for them.

Cyanobacteria in Lake Salagou: Tourism professionals a little worried, visitors adapt

Apart from a few boats, calm reigned on the lake. Free Midi – Marco Cunill

And now the rest

It is the Department, based on the new analysis results, which may or may not lift the measures put in place. The alert continues until the level of cyanobacteria falls below the alert threshold.
Salagou Lake seems for the moment frozen in waiting. All this in the context of a delayed tourist season, tourism professionals had high hopes for the weekend of August 15.

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