Cycling caravan from Nantes to Marseille, the Tour Alternatiba denounced the Montpellier Western Bypass

Cycling caravan from Nantes to Marseille, the Tour Alternatiba denounced the Montpellier Western Bypass

Pause militante au rond-point de Chez Paulette. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART

Cette mobilisation cuitoyenne visant à "transformer les territoires, face aux conséquences du dérèglement climatique", a fait halte à Montpellier, ce lundi 2 septembre.

Having left Nantes on June 2, the cyclists of the 2024 Tour Alternatiba will cover more than 5,500 km to Marseille, where they will complete their journey on October 4.

On their route, they will make more than 100 stops to support collective projects for the concrete and sustainable transformation of the territory, in the face of the climate challenge.

This is how they passed through Montpellier on Monday, September 2, first going to the Gennevaux roundabout (Chez Paulette) where they were welcomed by their friends from Montpellier.

The bicycle demonstration then set off. A major objective: “to denounce the absurdity of the motorway link project that constitutes the”COM” (Montpellier Western Bypass), which should connect the A 750 to the A 709 in a few years.

“This project makes no sense, it will attract more vehicles and will therefore absolutely not solve the problem of traffic jams, believes Marie-Noëlle De Visscher, coordinator of the Alternatiba group Montpellier. What we would like instead of this road link is an urban boulevard, with spaces reserved for public transport and bikes."

Alternatiba in Grabels, this Tuesday, September 3

The Alternatiba cyclists then went to Place de la Comédie where they raised awareness of their cause among the people of Montpellier.

Then the parade headed to Prades-le-Lez for a conference on the theme “What strategy to face the extreme right and the challenge climatic ?”.

This Tuesday, September 3, at 6:30 p.m., Alternatiba invites you to Grabels, Salle La Gerbe, for a training session on the theme “Democracy and nonviolent actions”. Registration recommended.

Information and registration:

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