DIRECT. Assassination attempt in Nîmes: follow live the second day of the trial of Richard Perez at the Assizes du Gard

DIRECT. Assassination attempt in Nîmes: follow live the second day of the trial of Richard Perez at the Assizes du Gard

Richard Perez, Djemel Khadir, Hakim Mammad et Jean-Baptiste Belliure. MIDI LIBRE – FRANCOIS BARRERE

Follow live the second day of the trial at the Gard Assizes of Richard Perez, the Nîmes businessman, nicknamed “The King of Trash Cans". He is accused of having wanted to eliminate a rival by using hired killers, with the help of several convicts, on February 23, 2013 in Nîmes. That evening, a police officer was also targeted by several shotgun shots upon arriving at the scene of the ambush. The five accused, who appear free, deny any involvement in this project.

The trial of Richard Perez, 60 years old, Robert Allouache, 51 years old, Hakim Mammad, 51 years old, Jean-Baptiste Belliure, 65 years old and Djemel Khadir, a 43-year-old Nîmes, who are accused of an attempted assassination, committed in Nîmes on February 23, 2023, continues this Tuesday, June 11, before the court of Nîmes. rsquo;Assizes of Gard. The verdict is expected Friday evening. Follow the main highlights of this hearing throughout this week.

After a first day of hearing on Monday devoted to examining the personality of three of the accused, Djemel Khadir, Jean-Baptiste Belliure and Richard Perez, the hearing today will be devoted to both other accused, Hakim Mammad and Robert Allouache.

– 9 h 20 : the expert psychologist on Richard Perez

The hearing begins a little late, with at the bar the testimony of the expert psychologist who examined Richard Perez during his pre-trial detention in October 2014.

"On the facts he told us that he was innocent, that it was a rumor that would have accused him, party from an article title, he says that this affair does not exist since there is no death.

"He tells us he was born in 1964 in Nîmes from three siblings, he tells us about his older brother Thierry who works in real estate and is the son-in-law of the president of the general council of Hérault. He says with humor, he washes whiter than white and I'm in prison.

"He received a strict education, his father was murdered in 2002, an event which shocked him while he was ;he was in custody."

"He says he was a very good student until the separation of his parents which affected him greatly. "

"It was the mayor of Nîmes who gave him the idea of ​​creating his own company, and by buying more and more trucks and winning contracts he became a businessman, a man of business, the king of trash."

"He took care of the commercial side and quickly understood that business depended on politics and that in financing political parties he obtained contracts.

"He was sentenced to four years for a corruption case in Vendargues, a significant sentence that he finds important but which is according to him linked to people linked to this affair. He names Louis Nicollin and a prosecutor who was later found dead with a large sum of money but whose name he does not give.  ;quot;

"He was arrested in 2001, he was sentenced to nine years of detention despite the absence of blood crime, as he emphasizes. He was then convicted of drug trafficking and criminal association, then he started a nightclub with his daughter. He is also in conflict with his sister.

"On an emotional level he describes himself more as a runner but always loving."

"We point out to him that he always has a lot of energy to undertake things, he tells us that even in detention his energy has never been used up. C& rsquo;is a man who takes care of himself, and who says he sees the beneficial effects of talking about himself. There is a noticeable tension with suppressed anger when talking about the death of his father."

"He describes himself as idiotic in his delinquent activities, heavily convicted without having committed a blood crime. He describes himself like a proud businessman and proud of his success. He has an impossible submission to rules, grammar and learning, but also because he has become his own boss."

"With hindsight he sees the inanity of his delinquent actions, but he does not deny the illegality of his pipes."

"He also calls himself self-taught, he thinks that journalists are the authors of a myth built on idealizations on which the justice persists."

"Mr. Perez makes the law of the strongest reign, but when he is overwhelmed by a feeling of injustice he has no recourse and puts his intelligence at the service of revenge for example, he is capable of take time to recruit henchmen, to steal. He is talking about the Onyx affair, he does not want to talk about other affairs. It’s a bit at any price. This system seems normal to him."

The President: "Victimization and the feeling of injustice are very present in her speech ?"

The expert:"He speaks of his feeling of injustice in relation to justice, but not in relation to his existence".

The President: "The expert psychiatrist spoke of an addiction to suffering ?"

"Ah yes it’s interesting but I don’ have no elements to go in this direction. "

"He sees himself as a person who has qualities but also as a person who could have been made into a character."

"He has a divide, he is a father, a self-made man, a CEO, and on the other hand the one who is unjustly subjected to justice.

"There is a rivalry with his brothers and sisters with whom he is in conflict, this gives him the energy to succeed in the future ;another way, but at all costs without sometimes looking at what is legal or not legal."



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