Disappearance of Medhi Narjissi: the young rugby player's fatal swim was improvised without the manager's agreement

Having disappeared into the water on August 7, the body of Medhi Narjissi has still not been found. This swim during which the young man died was not planned in the U18 players' schedule, we learned on September 3, 2024.

The swim organized at Dias Beach on August 7 and during which Medhi Narjissi disappeared, was not planned in the rugby players' schedule, reveals Sud Ouest which was able to consult a federal document.

The fatal swim was also allegedly organized without the agreement of the manager, Stéphane Cambos.

A session organized "at the sole initiative" of Robin Ladauge

This federal document contains in particular the schedule of the U18 rugby players who, on August 7, were to visit the Cape of Good Hope and its lighthouse at the tip of South Africa. But a muscle recovery and care session replaced the visit.

A session, organized impromptu and "at the sole initiative" of fitness trainer Robin Ladauge at Dias Beach. The manager, who had gone to the lighthouse with a few players on his side, would not have learned of this swim until he returned from his visit. Stéphane Cambos had also refused to allow the session to take place at Dias Beach.

“It's incomprehensible”

This confirms what the young player's parents said at their press conference a week ago: “It was the French team's physical trainer who made the decision to take them there. It's incomprehensible”.

While the young man's body has still not been found, his family has contacted the Agen public prosecutor's office with a view to obtaining the opening of proceedings to “investigate the causes of the disappearance”, indicates his lawyer.

According to our colleagues, the results of the internal investigation conducted by the FFR should be communicated this week.

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