Disinfected mineral water scandal: Foodwatch denounces “massive fraud” and files a complaint against Nestlé and Sources Alma
|Foodwatch dénonce une “fraude massive” et porte donc plainte devant le tribunal judiciaire de Paris contre Nestlé et Sources Alma. ILLUSTRATION PIXABAY
The consumer defense association Foodwatch files a complaint before the Paris judicial court against Nestlé Waters and the Sources Alma group for disinfection treatments prohibited on their mineral waters
The consumer defense association Foodwatch announced this Wednesday, February 21, that it was filing a complaint against Nestlé Waters and the Sources Alma group, the mayor of several mineral water brands known as St -Yorre, Cristaline or even Mont-Blanc, for the prohibited disinfection treatments which these two companies used.
"No one, not even a multinational like Nestlé, is above the law", says Ingrid Kragl, information director of Foodwatch, in a press release.
"Massive fraud"
According to Foodwatch which denounces a "massive fraud" and therefore files a complaint before the Paris judicial court, Nestlé and Sources Alma are accused of nine violations of the European directive on mineral waters, the Consumer Code and the Public Health Code.
"There is no health risk but people are tired of being taken for idiots", said annoyed Karine Jacquemart, director of Foodwatch, at the microphone of RMC.
30% of brands concerned
At the end of January, the world number one in mineral water Nestlé Waters admitted to having used prohibited ultraviolet treatments and activated carbon filters on some of its mineral waters. brands Perrier, Vittel, Hépar and Contrex to maintain "their food safety". 30% of bottled water brands are concerned, according to a survey conducted by The World.
Common practices in the case of tap water, devoid of health risks, but prohibited for natural mineral waters in the European Union.