Dr Reynier: “I believe enormously in this project, in this strategic location”

Dr Reynier: “I believe enormously in this project, in this strategic location”

BCH ouvre un nouveau centre de prélèvements au Comptoir Médical 2 aux Tanes Basses JM – JM

Aux Tanes Basses, le laboratoire BCH, Biologie du Cœur d’Hérault, ouvre ce lundi un nouveau plateau de prélèvements au Comptoir Médical 2 de Clermont. Interview du Dr Robin Reynier, patron de BCH.

You open a new tray for biological samples, Monday, in Clermont, at Comptoir medical 2 des Tanes Basses, and patients are already arriving at reception…

Indeed, this project was born a long time ago. We have been working on this for over a year with Doctor Bénis who is a radiologist and responsible for the radiology platform at Comptoir 1. The objective here, at Comptoir 2, is to offer in one place almost complete patient care. There will be, in the same place, a large radiology platform with: radiology MRI scanner and ultrasound, a medical biology laboratory, (which therefore opens Monday), associated with the presence of several doctors and professions paramedical. This will allow patients to do many things in one place.

You already have another site in Clermont…

Yes, here, at Tanes Basses, it is a pre-post analytical site, a site where we will be able to take all the samples. The goal is to be able to offer exactly the same biology to all our patients in the same place. We maintain the same hours (from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and from 7 a.m. noon on Saturdays) and we take all types of samples exactly as in the other two laboratories, that of Clermont, route de Montpellier and that of Lodève which is located in the Health Center. The particularity here of the laboratory is that with the opening of the unscheduled care center in two weeks at Medical Counter 2, we are installing two machines: a CRP machine Capillary to provide a CRP* ​​result in one minute and a blood gas machine, specific for urgent care. The large technical platform remains, of course, on the initial site in Clermont, route de Montpellier, with a very regular shuttle system to respond to emergencies.

How many people will work here ?

Here, for the opening, there will be four people: two nurses and two secretaries. In total, on the three sites, we have 18 employees. We are lucky here to be able to own it, it’s a great investment. I believe enormously in this project and in the consolidation of medical and paramedical services in strategic locations like this.

CRP: C-Reactive protein is a marker of inflammation and infection. I subscribe to read more

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