Drought, FCO 3 virus, hunting, police recruitment, demerger of Bagnols-les-Bains on the prefecture’s agenda

Drought, FCO 3 virus, hunting, police recruitment, demerger of Bagnols-les-Bains on the prefecture’s agenda

Une dizaine de policiers adjoints seront recrutés pour la Lozère Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

Philippe Castanet, préfet de Lozère, a tenu vendredi 23 août 2024, son traditionnel point presse mensuel. Sécheresse, virus de la fièvre Catarrhale Ovine (FCO 3).

During the press briefing of the Prefect of Lozère on August 23, 2024, several points were discussed: drought, Bluetongue virus (BCV 3), demerger of Bagnols-les-Bains, hunting weapons, recruitment of police officers in Lozère were on the agenda.

Drought vigilance

Despite the heavy rains of winter and spring, as well as the storms of August 15, the Prefect published an order on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 marking the vigilance drought: “We place the Chassezac and Gardon basins a little more severely (east). But I will put the whole department on alert." For the prefect, the whole issue is the end of summer: "The animals are returning to the stable or the sheepfold, the demand for water is high and the Cévennes episodes are arriving later and later. But we will hold out until the end of October. The measures I am taking are going in this direction."

Bluetongue (BTV 3)

Arrived via Belgium, Bluetongue (BTV 3) spread during the summer in the north of France (190 outbreaks): "A vaccine is available free of charge for the sectors concerned. However, there is no point in vaccinating animals if it is not necessary",reassured the prefect. Emmanuel Foex, chief veterinary public health inspector, specified: "The recovery has been very strong in recent days. This was expected. The vaccine does not prevent progression but limits the most serious symptoms. Sheep are heavily impacted." The disease has no impact on consumption (meat, milk) and is not transmissible to humans. “We have all the elements to follow the evolution”, insisted”Philippe Castanet. Concerning epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), new outbreaks are appearing in the South-West, with 210 outbreaks as of 22 August: “We have a first outbreak in Aveyron”, specified Emmanuel Foex.“There is an obligation to disinfect within a radius of 150 km”, finally notified Philippe Castanet.

Hunting weapons

The opening of hunting is scheduled for September 8, 2024 and the prefect recalled the obligation to declare the possession of weapons: “It is important that the creation of accounts for the possession of weapons is carried out before December 31. In Lozère, it's going well. We have a high creation rate (3 332 accounts)." For latecomers, they can be helped by their federation and permanent offices are held in the France Services houses of the department.

Police recruitment in Lozère

“The big news is the opening of a competition for assistant police officers in Lozère, Philippe Castanet rejoiced. We have difficulties in bringing public agents to Lozère. Young people will be able to apply, and they will have the possibility of being assigned elsewhere if they wish." In about fifteen years in the past, Lozère currently has five assistant police officers, according to the prefect. Registrations (online) will be open from September 3 to October 3, 2024. The training includes 6 weeks of training at a police school (future assistant police officers will be armed, Editor's note) and two weeks of internship, with an assignment in the second quarter of 2025. Around ten positions will be available.

Finally, during this press briefing, the prefect has declared refusal of the demerger of Bagnols-les-Bains. The spa will remain in the new commune of Mont-Lozère-et-Goulet.

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