“During Covid, we were called upon and now we are thrown in the trash”: fire safety officers at Montpellier University Hospital on strike

“During Covid, we were called upon and now we are thrown in the trash”: fire safety officers at Montpellier University Hospital on strike

Les manifestants devant le centre administratif de l’hôpital. Midi Libre – Giacomo Italiano

Les agents de sécurité incendie du CHU de Montpellier se sont rassemblés ce mardi 9 avril, devant les locaux administratifs de l’établissement. Ils protestaient contre un renouvellement de planning qui les forcerait à travailler en alternance jour/nuit. Les négociations semblent être au point mort.

A gathering took place this Tuesday, April 9, in front of the Montpellier University Hospital administration premises. The demonstrators, fire safety officers from the hospital, are demanding a change to a proposed schedule that would have them work alternating day/night.

Negotiations, which began in December, are still ongoing. A first strike notice was filed in March. The agents then met with the director of human resources and the deputy director of the department, but their counter-proposals for planning were refused.

Agents propose a 30/70 system "rather than a 50/50", where they would work& ;nbsp;only a few days a month alternating day/night. A protester, who wished to remain anonymous, explains: "Once they we validate the 30/70, we are good."

"Obtuse management"

A fire safety officer, who wished to remain anonymous, denounces "obtuse management". The numerous proposals from employees, "always ready to negotiate", do not seem to be heard." During Covid, we were asked for and now we are thrown in the trash."

Another protester, station manager, works night shifts: "My daughter is disabled, I chose to work night shifts to take care of her during the day." If the schedule desired by management is put in place, the agent would potentially be "forced to change jobs". He blows, adding: "It’s complicated."

“During Covid, we were called upon and now we are thrown in the trash”: fire safety officers at Montpellier University Hospital on strike

Fire safety officers on strike. Midi Libre – Giacomo Italiano

Employment of privates: "Not good at operational"

The security PC (checkpoint) employs around fifty people. According to the CGT, it would be necessary to hire 20 more to make the service fully operational. But management has decided to outsource a few positions: it has been using private contractors for "a few years", d& rsquo;after a protester. Less trained in the specificities of the establishment, "they make numbers but they are not good at operational".

Pierre Renard, nurse at the University Hospital and staff representative, wonders: "What's the next step, nurses  private in public hospital ?"

The invisibles of the hospital

"We have negotiated three days per year for dressing/undressing for all caregivers, but the security PC agents are not concerned. These are category C agents, in financial and social precariousness. They are the invisibles of the hospital", explains Pierre Renard. For the moment, this staff is awaiting negotiations with management. They warn: their strike movement is renewable.

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