€7,200 raised for the first Pink October evening

€7,200 raised for the first Pink October evening

About ten volunteers were present at the event.

Since Saturday, the volunteers of the League against cancer have been on deck. Pink October has started and the activities are coming one after the other. For this 2024 edition, the launch of Pink October took place at the Moba.

On the program, the Gentilles organizers of the League, a handful of motivated volunteers, organized a concert. The artists, Patrick Fargier, present since the first editions, and the rock group ZZ Potes performed voluntarily throughout the evening. "The Moba volunteers are on the technical side and at the bar. The League volunteers managed the entrances and the raffle, explains Nina Ehrmann, coordinator of the Bagnolse branch of the League against cancer. Also beforehand, the Gentilles organizers looked for sponsors for the evening."

In total, the first Pink October evening raised €7,200. These donations are sent to the departmental structure of the League. Part of the donations goes to cancer research, the other part is intended for patients and allows the League to expand its comfort care offer. “We had fewer entries than in previous years, but it's a very nice sum, continues Nina Ehrmann. There are still many events on the program for this month of October. We are delighted to see so many people mobilizing for the cause!

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 71 28 73 80. I subscribe to read the rest

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