Emergency fund for viticulture: Hérault winegrowers have until February 23 to make themselves known

Emergency fund for viticulture: Hérault winegrowers have until February 23 to make themselves known

Le 31 janvier dernier, le ministre de l'Agriculture Marc Fesneau avait annoncé 80 millions d'euros d'aide d'urgence pour la profession. ILLUSTRATION MIDI LIBRE

L'aide d'urgence annoncée par l'exécutif en pleine mobilisation du monde agricole a été déclenchée par la préfecture de l'Hérault ce lundi 12 février.

With the reinforced control of the application of the Egalim law, this was one of the government's promises to emerge from the crisis and put an end to the mobilization of the agricultural world. The vast aid plan for wine growers has just been launched this Monday, February 12, by the Hérault prefecture. Professionals in the department now have until February 23 to apply for this "emergency fund for viticulture" by filling out a file on the website demarches-simplillées.fr.

To benefit from it, wine growers will have to prove a loss of turnover or a loss of harvests for the year 2023, in comparison with the figures for 2020 or 2022, both reference years used by public authorities. It is on this basis that a compensation scale was set up by the DDTM34, the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea.

On January 31, the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau announced 80 million euros in emergency aid for the profession, with of the first payments before the Salon de l'Agriculture, scheduled from February 24 to March 3. At the same time, the executive mentioned a bonus for grubbing up of 100,000 hectares maximum – against 150 M€ – to help restructure the French vineyard.

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