Emotion during a rally in support of the Kanak people this Friday in Nîmes

Emotion during a rally in support of the Kanak people this Friday in Nîmes

Un rassemblement avec la communauté kanake Midi Libre – C.R.

Emotion during a rally in support of the Kanak people this Friday in Nîmes

Il y avait beaucoup d’émotion lors ce rassemblement initié par la CNT Midi Libre – C.R.

Répondant à un appel de la CNT (confédération nationale du travail) et des associations ou partis politiques de gauche, plus de 50 personnes étaient rassemblées, ce vendredi 31 mai, devant la préfecture du Gard, en soutien au peuple kanak.

This Friday evening, in Nîmes, the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) was behind a rally in support of the Kanak people in New Caledonia. And the emotion was strong when "Mabe" spoke. " The Kanak people will never be silent… hellip; All they want is our wealth… hellip; Macron has only done us harm. After 36 years of peace. He knew very well that it would be fire. Equality, freedom, where is it?? ", proclaims this woman.

Representatives of the Communist Party (PCF), La France Insoumise (LFI), and associations spoke. In New Caledonia, the situation is explosive. For the CNT, Vincent who took up the press release from the Trade Union of Kanak Workers and the Exploited, "the about-faces" of the president, Emmanuel Macron, described as "Élysée pyromaniac" are at the origin of this chaosThese activists are demanding, before any resumption of dialogue, the withdrawal immediate of the constitutional reform project relating to the unfreezing of the electoral body.

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