Energy check 2024: we now know the date of the opening of the claims window for those “forgotten” in the campaign

Energy check 2024: we now know the date of the opening of the claims window for those “forgotten” in the campaign

Les “oubliés” auront jusqu’au 31 décembre pour faire la réclamation. MAXPPP – Mourad ALLILI

Alors que de nombreux ménages n’ont pas reçu leur chèque énergie de 2024, le gouvernement a annoncé qu’il serait possible de le réclamer le 4 juillet 2024.

More than 5.5 million beneficiaries were affected by the campaign to automatically send energy checks for the year 2024. Its annual amount varies between 48 euros and 277 euros, calculated according to the reference tax income and the composition of the household.

Concerning the last criterion, the administration checked the housing tax declarations on main residences. But this was abolished in 2023, which complicated the identification of potential eligible households.

Attacked by consumer defense associations, the government then promised last May the opening of a complaints desk for injured beneficiaries.

According to our colleagues at Moneyvox, it is from July 4 that the "forgotten eligible people" of the 2024 campaign will be able to request the energy check. They will have until December 31. "Checks will be sent one to two months after the request", specifies Moneyvox .

Mainly affected by this omission: young workers, households who experienced a drop in income between 2021 and 2022 or households who had a birth in 2022.

How to access it?

To make their request online, households must go to the site, and enter their number tax, their identity document, as well as an energy bill in the name of the applicant. The energy check will then be sent within one month.

The amount of the energy check is between 48 euros and 277 euros. To check eligibility, a simulator has been set up by the government. The energy check can be used for one year to pay energy bills (electricity, gas, heat, wood or oil heating, LPG), and certain energy works.

In the event of a problem, you can contact the administration by telephone on 0805204805 (from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, no surcharge) or via an online form available on

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