Environment, high cost of living… in the Canaries, thousands of demonstrators march against “overtourism” which is “exhausting” the archipelago

Environment, high cost of living… in the Canaries, thousands of demonstrators march against “overtourism” which is “exhausting” the archipelago

“Il ne s’agit pas d’un message contre les touristes, mais contre un modèle touristique qui ne profite pas à cette terre”. anary Islands' tourism model MAXPPP – ALBERTO VALDES

The Canary Islands, which has 2.2 million inhabitants, welcomed 14 million foreign tourists in 2023. At the cost of significant pressure on its resources.

Thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday in Tenerife, Spain, demanding a temporary limit on tourist arrivals which drive up the cost of housing for residents.

"People live here", "We don't want to see our island die", we could read on signs.

"This is not a message against tourists, but against a tourism model that does not benefit this land and which must be changed" , declared one of the demonstrators during the demonstration in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The tourism industry represents 35% of the gross domestic product of the Canary Islands. Less impressive marches also took place elsewhere in the archipelago and in other Spanish cities, all organized by around twenty environmental organizations in anticipation of the summer holidays. ;summer.

The organizations say local authorities should temporarily limit visitor numbers to ease pressure on the islands’s environment, infrastructure and housing stock, and put a brake on property buying by strangers.

'The Canary Islands have limits and so do people's patience"

"The authorities must immediately end this corrupt and destructive model which is depleting resources and making the economy more precarious. The Canary Islands have limits and so do people's patience, said Antonio Bullon, one of the organizers of the protest.

The archipelago of 2.2 million inhabitants welcomed nearly 14 million foreign tourists in 2023, an increase of 13% in a year, according to official data. The authorities are concerned about the impact on the local population and must decide on a bill that tightens the rules for short-term rentals.

Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo said Friday he was "proud" that the region is one of Spain's main tourist destinations, but he acknowledged that additional controls were needed as the sector continues to grow: "We cannot Don't keep looking elsewhere. Otherwise, hotels will continue to open without any control.

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