European elections: Glucksmann, Bellamy, or Bardella reappointed, Véran still uncertain

European elections: Glucksmann, Bellamy, or Bardella reappointed, Véran still uncertain

Olivier Véran mènera-t-il la liste de la majorité aux élections européennes ? MAXPPP – Luc Nobout

Têtes de liste en 2019, ils sont nombreux à être reconduits par leur parti pour les élections du dimanche 9 juin prochain.

For them, we know: Nathalie Arthaud (Workers' Struggle), Marion Maréchal (Reconquest), Jordan Bardella (National Rally), Marie Toussaint (Europe ecology The Greens), Léon Deffontaines (Communist Party), Guillaume Lacroix (Radical Left Party) , Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France), Willy Schraen (Rural Alliance) have all already been officially designated head of list of their respective parties for the European elections on June 9.

In 2019, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was already leading the fight for their camp. In 2024, he will not be the only one to vote for the European vote.

Impending confirmations

Indeed, even if the official announcements have not yet been made by the parties concerned, it seems today certain that François-Xavier Bellamy (for the Republicans and their allies), Raphaël Glucksmann (for the Socialist Party, his movement Public Square, and other left and center-left groups), and Jordan Bardella (for the National Front of which he is president) will be the leaders of their party. This should also be the case for Manon Aubry (LFI).

These applications should be confirmed and recorded quickly, at the same time as the composition (complete or partial initially) of the lists.

Stéphane Séjourné, former "natural candidate"

There remains the most anticipated announcement, because it concerns the party of the head of state on the one hand, and because real uncertainty reigns on this subject. Long held as "the natural candidate" to lead this Renaissance list (and allies), MEP Stéphane Séjourné (also party boss and leader of the Renew Europe group – centrists – in the European Parliament) was called this Thursday to other functions, at the Quai d’Orsay, as Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

From then on, quickly, the name of Olivier Véran was put forward by several media, without any formalization occurring in the process.

Attal, the anti-Bardella weapon ?

The former Minister of Health and former government spokesperson nevertheless seems to present an appropriate profile, and a new availability: he has in fact not been reappointed to the government by Gabriel Attal.

A Gabriel Attal is often identified as the lethal anti-Bardella weapon, the number 1 of the National Rally having the wind in its sails at the moment, as the rankings relating to the French's favorite political figures regularly show.

A highly anticipated duel

Attal-Bardella, an expected and announced, and unprecedented duel between two leaders of the two main political forces in the country, one of whom is 34 years old, while the other is not count no more than 28 springs. But even if the Prime Minister becomes involved advantageously in the campaign, he will obviously not have the necessary availability to manage it on a daily basis.

Hence this persistent unknown. Who will stick to it ? Olivier Véran ? An elected official of lesser notoriety from the Macronist troops sitting in the European Parliament ? Response expected in the coming days.

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