EXCLUSIVE. “Killing children can only lead to more anger”: Yahya Sarraj, the mayor of Gaza speaks for Midi Libre

EXCLUSIVE. “Killing children can only lead to more anger”: Yahya Sarraj, the mayor of Gaza speaks for Midi Libre

EXCLUSIVE. “Killing children can only lead to more anger”: Yahya Sarraj, the mayor of Gaza speaks for Midi Libre

Yahya Sarraj : “Il s’agit aujourd’hui incontestablement d’un génocide.” Municipalité de Gaza city

In this exclusive interview granted to Midi Libre, the mayor of Gaza City gives his point of view on the situation and takes stock of the humanitarian situation in his city and in the Gaza Strip since the start of Israeli strikes in October 2023.

How would you describe the humanitarian situation in Gaza City today and in the rest of the enclave ?

We are facing a critical situation which affects the living conditions of the populations in all the cities of the Gaza Strip. This can be summed up in four main issues: the supply of drinking water for household consumption and domestic use, as well as for the functioning of the city (25% of water needs have been implemented suspense). Most of our wells have been destroyed, and we don't have enough electricity to function properly. There is also the problem of wastewater management and treatment; Hundreds of tons of gray water are dumped in cities and pollute the sea because they cannot be contained. Waste collection is also a problem. Traffic on the roads and through the towns that have been destroyed is extremely complicated. Add to that the lack of food and medicine.

Is humanitarian aid reaching the population and is it sufficient ?

Humanitarian aid is received, but not in sufficient quantity. It’s also very random and not very organized. We are not allowed to organize the distribution properly, most of the volunteers who participate in the convoys are killed. Since food is not provided in sufficient quantity, it is particularly difficult to feed the population, everyone is hungry, children are losing weight. The animals have been killed, the fishermen are no longer allowed to go to sea. They do so at the risk of their lives. This is not enough in terms of quantity and quality. People don't realize that air shipping causes more harm than it helps: packages can be sent unsafely and sometimes land on building roofs, destroying electrical systems, on car roofs or, worse yet, on people. It’s terrible to do it this way, especially in such a crowded space with so many people.

Can we today talk about famine in Gaza ?

Yes, we cannot ignore the famine. No one in Gaza has enough to eat.

What do you do as mayor ?

We do what we can. The city lost 70% of its operating budget. Our main concern is to be able to supply the city with drinking water.

What are Israel’s targets today ?

All places are targets: Israelis spare nothing, not a supermarket, not a community center, not a public building. Everything is a target. Children and women are targets, as are the elderly. They bomb randomly, without giving anyone a chance.

You lost your own son, killed in a bombing…

It’s terrible for a parent to lose their child. He was my eldest son and he was very popular. He worked as a film director and photographer. I am particularly upset to have lost him. He was abroad when the war broke out. And he wanted to come back, to help his people, and show what was happening here. I should have discouraged him from coming back. But he was brave. Now nothing can replace it. You have to be patient, and wait for a better outcome for others.

How many casualties have there been since the strikes began ?

The number of victims increases every day. According to health authorities, we are now at 31,000 deaths. Between 9,000 and 10,000 people are missing.

Children are particularly affected in this conflict…

Yes, children are undoubtedly those who suffer the most from this war. Many of them do not understand what is happening and do not know the reasons for this conflict. They were killed while they were eating, playing, sleeping. Killed mercilessly. I feel sorry for them, they are innocent. Why should they suffer like this ? For what reason ? What will be achieved by killing children ? This can only lead to more anger.
The war has already left 20,000 orphans. As they grow up, will they be merciful and forgive those who killed their parents, ruined their lives, their dreams ?

Recently, Joe Biden said that Israel was going too far. Some positions seem to be changing. What would it take for there to be a ceasefire ?

Joe Biden said that Israel was going too far, yes, we see that positions change and evolve. But more than words, we expect actions. I believe that Joe Biden and the United States could, if they wanted, end the war and increase aid to Gaza.

Do you think this conflict will last ?

It will continue until Gaza is free, until there is justice, until the Palestinian population can have their state, in which to move and exchange freely, not only in Gaza but in Palestine. If this changes, if there is cooperation, respect, understanding, then only then can the conflict end. When everyone is safe, knows their rights and their boundaries.

How do you characterize this war today ?

This is undoubtedly a genocide. I even think that the word is not strong enough to talk about such a situation. The Israelis are killing everything and everyone. Even animals.

It’s Ramadan. Does this make life harder ?

Ramadan is a blessed month, a holy month. It’s a time that Muslims love and cherish. Obviously, it’s more difficult this year, mainly due to the lack of food. But people try to celebrate it and be happy.

Did the situation strengthen Hamas or weaken it ?

If we had elections to attest to the situation, it would be easier to answer. According to a recent poll, support for Hamas has increased since the start of the conflict, while international support for Gaza appears to be waning.

Is this conflict more sensitive and more divisive than other wars in the world ?

Yes, the conflict in Palestine is perhaps the most sensitive, particularly because of its central place in the world and the financial issues it involves. We must put an end to this conflict at all costs to prevent escalation in other countries.

Why are there no journalists in the Gaza Strip ?

We call for help from humanitarian associations, journalists without borders, to come to the field to testify and report what is happening there. You can't understand the magnitude of the situation just by reading about it or hearing about it, you have to see it with your own eyes.

What do you expect from France ?

We have good relations with the French people. I know that your President Emmanuel Macron has called for a ceasefire. More than words, we need actions. Now, the French government must act and help build a Palestinian state.

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