Executive employment: with an increase of 3% expected in 2024, Occitanie is one of the most dynamic regions

Executive employment: with an increase of 3% expected in 2024, Occitanie is one of the most dynamic regions

La région Occitanie fait partie des quelques régions françaises, où l'emploi des cadres connaît une réelle dynamique. Il devrait croître de 3 % en 2024. MAXPPP – Vincent Isore

The Association for the Employment of Managers (Apec) confirms the good performance of the employment of management staff in the region. In 2023, it showed an increase of 12%. The most sought-after positions are IT, commerce-marketing and studies-research and development.

The employment market for management personnel is doing well. Occitanie is even one of the most dynamic regions in this area, according to the figures revealed this Tuesday, April 2, by Apec. Nearly 20,000 recruitments are planned for 2024 across the entire regional territory. Hiring intentions show an increase of 3%, compared to 2023. An evolution however, which marks time somewhat, after the 14% increase observed in 2023.

"Companies recruited nearly 331,000 executives in 2023, an increase of 7% over one year and a new historic record. After the strong post-Covid rebounds (+18% in 2021 and +15% in 2022), the dynamics of managerial employment regained, last year, its pre-crisis pace", specifies Apec.

Occitanie concentrates 6% of national hiring

This dynamic was more marked in certain areas of the metropolis. "All regions benefited from this good orientation, with a special mention for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie and Pays de la Loire, which shows the strongest progress. The Occitanie region alone would concentrate 6% of executive hiring in France.

In 2024, executive recruitment should continue to progress, "but at a markedly slower pace (+2%) ". It would still rely on high value-added services and industry. Commerce, construction and certain services (real estate) would reduce the size. "The driving regions for executive employment (Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica, Occitanie and Pays of the Loire) would contribute to this progression".

A dynamic due to "technology-intensive industries"

Occitanie, but also Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Pays de la Loire, stands out for its consistent progress, "linked to an economic fabric rich in high value added services and high technological intensity industries".

As for the sectors of activity that plan the most hiring, the Apec study cites high value-added services, such as ;nbsp;IT activities, R-engineering & D, consulting, banking-insurance, which "remained very active". La &quot ;a good surprise came from the industry with a very positive 2023 balance sheet". It experienced an increase of  +15 % in hiring, "notably through a catch-up effect in the automobile and aeronautics& ;quot;. As for commerce and construction, they are, on the other hand, "hardly".

Difficulties finding collaborators

Three sectors should total 52% of executive hires in 2024. These are IT, commercial and marketing activities, as well as those linked to studies and the R & D. In addition, more than 50 % of hires would relate to profiles with experience of between 1 and 10 years.

However, the Apec study emphasizes the difficulties companies face in hiring. "Faced with these difficulties, companies continue to relax their recruitment criteria", it is specified. In particular by reviewing remuneration upwards (for 50% of companies), by recruiting an executive "not having all the technical skills" (41%), or having fewer years of experience (33%).

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