“Extraordinary moments in our memories”: EEAP Montaury de Nîmes thrilled at the Paris Paralympic Games
|The Nîmes delegation during its stay in Paris during the Paralympic Games.
Four young residents of the Montaury establishment for severely disabled children and adolescents in Nîmes attended the opening ceremony of the Paris Paralympic Games on Wednesday, August 28.
On Wednesday, August 28, in the evening, Assia, Maïlys, Ryhanna and Mathilde, residents at the Montaury establishment for children and adolescents with multiple disabilities in Nîmes, and their chaperones, attended with emotion the opening ceremony of the Paris Paralympic Games.
“Our stay in Paris will remain etched in our memories as an extraordinary moment. The Dessine-moi ton sport project was completed with resounding success! It was a beautiful human adventure, marked by three days of sharing and complicity with our four multi-disabled teenagers who inspired us with their courage and their joy of living", confides Chrisitelle Nuez, art therapist.
She would like to thank Cathy, Lydie, Claire and all the people involved in this beautiful project.