“Fed up with these privileged lesson givers”: the speech of footballer Marcus Thuram makes several elected officials of the RN jump

“Fed up with these privileged lesson givers”: the speech of footballer Marcus Thuram makes several elected officials of the RN jump

L’attaquant Français a fait réagir plusieurs élus du RN après sa prise de position. Capture d'écran Youtube

De nombreux élus du Rassemblement National ont réagi à la conférence de presse de l’attaquant des Bleus Marcus Thuram au cours de laquelle il a incité à voter "pour que le RN ne passe pas".

This Saturday, June 15, 48 hours before the first match of the French team at Euro 2024 against Austria, Blues striker Marcus Thuram wanted to talk about political news in France. While his partners had preferred to kick in, or had simply called for "to go vote", directly encouraged him to block the" #39;extreme right. "The situation is sad, very serious. We have to fight every day to prevent this from happening again, so that the RN does not pass" he explained.

A rare political commitment in the world of football, even more so a few hours before an international competition, and which did not fail to make several elected officials of the National Rally jump. No doubt upset by this unexpected position, the very provocative MP for Yonne, Julien Odoul responded to the French player in a tweet published in the evening: "Citizen Marcus Thuram never said a word to express his sadness when Thomas, Lola and all the other young victims were massacred by the riffraff. Ras-le- bad luck with these privileged lesson-givers who take the French for imbeciles!"

"Hoping that the Guadeloupeans will silence this daddy's boy"

Same story for Rody Tolassy, ​​MEP of the RN: "Your words are an insult to the millions of overseas who vote RN! It is always the same privileged few who lecture the people. Being Guadeloupean myself, I am PROUD to represent my compatriots and PROUD to be a European deputy.

"Hoping that the Guadeloupeans will silence this daddy's boy in the next legislative elections" commented Romain Lopez , mayor of Moissac in Tarn-et-Garonne. "Sport should not be politicized", for his part, simply reacted Aleksandar Nikolic, RN MEP and regional advisor in Center- Loire Valley.

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