Feria de Béziers 2024: bullfight canceled due to rain, reactions and reimbursement terms

Feria de Béziers 2024: bullfight canceled due to rain, reactions and reimbursement terms

The three bullfighters inspected the ring for several minutes. Midi Libre – Giacomo Italiano

Feria de Béziers 2024: bullfight canceled due to rain, reactions and reimbursement terms

In the courtyard of the cuadrillas, the bullfighters and their apoderados decide to cancel the bullfight. Midi Libre – Giacomo Italiano

Feria de Béziers 2024: bullfight canceled due to rain, reactions and reimbursement terms

La piste est devenue complètement boueuse en moins de 45 minutes. Midi Libre – Jean-Pierre Amarger

A strong 45-minute storm that started around 5 pm led to the cancellation of the bullfight on Friday, August 16 after several minutes of discussions because the track had turned into a quagmire. A great regret because this cartel with Talavante, Luque and Borja Jimenez was most enticing.

It was the bullfight that most seduced the passionate aficionados with Alejandro Talavante, Daniel Luque, the number one of the 2023 season, and Borja Jimenez, the revelation designated triumphant of the last feria in Madrid. Especially since this poster of Friday August 16 marked the return of the Santiago Domecq breeding which had pardoned a bull in Béziers in 2023 and which stands out as the best of the moment. Their performance the day before in Dax with an indulto by Clemente and two bulls two vueltas only reinforced their reputation.

Unfortunately, a powerful storm started at 5pm and lasted 45 minutes. While 7,000 people were present in the stands. The conciliabules between the bullfighters and the cuadrillas began after 6pm because of Alejandro Talavante's delay. The different areas of the track were then inspected at length…

The three bullfighters seemed to express the desire to bullfight but the track was a real quagmire, impassable for the maestros and the riders. They asked for possibilities to improve the ruedo which had not been covered before the bullfight despite the storm which had been threatening for some time. Arena staff explained that ten truckloads of sand would be needed to make the track passable. At 6:25 p.m., the cancellation was made without the possibility of postponing the bullfight until the next morning because Daniel Luque was in Dax, Alejandro Talavante in San Sébastien and Borja Jimenez in Guijuelo.

The cancellation of a bullfight in Béziers is the first time since August 14, 2011, when the bullfight was stopped after a single bull fought by Juan Bautista due to a storm. Ticket holders will be able to get a refund after the Feria and the arenas will soon announce the practical arrangements.

Olivier Margé: “We don't want anyone to be disadvantaged”

“It's an important decision because the bullfighters are playing for their lives and the ring was very muddy. This storm was not forecast and torrential rain arrived. I called the fire chief early in the afternoon and the storms were not expected to pass over this area. This is part of the unforeseen. We unanimously decided with the three bullfighters to cancel the bullfight. It was the right decision. The ground was too slippery and the bulls would not have had their support.

The aficionados will obviously be reimbursed. This will not be done during the Feria but ticket holders will be able to request it until the end of October. Those who left their email will receive a message and the others can call the bullring ticket office at 04 67 76 13 45.

We don't want anyone to be disadvantaged and we are organizing, with my ticket office manager, so that everything goes perfectly. It was impossible to consider a postponement because the bullfighters have a busy schedule elsewhere and three daily shows are organized in the bullring over the next two days.

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