First a sum of 600 euros, then an increase of 51 euros per month: how 850,000 retirement pensions will be revalued

First a sum of 600 euros, then an increase of 51 euros per month: how 850,000 retirement pensions will be revalued

Les revalorisations des retraites ont été opérées en deux temps. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART

Les bénéficiaires recevront d’abord 600 € d’ici à la fin du mois en guise de rattrapage.

Some want to repeal it, others want to maintain it at all costs. The highly controversial pension reform, at the heart of the discussions that began several weeks ago on the choice of the new Prime Minister, continues to be gradually implemented in France.

The next step is one of the most consensual: 850,000 small pensions will soon be increased. This concerns people who have been paid the hourly or monthly minimum wage throughout their working life and have the full rate.

Two planned stages

"Around September 25 quot;, beneficiaries will receive "the catch-up over one year of the increase they should have received since September 1, 2023", when the reform comes into force, announces Renaud Villard, the general director of the National Fund for Old Age Insurance (Cnav), in Le Parisien.

“Those affected will receive an average of 600 € in retroactivity, he explains. As for the revaluation of their pension, it will be 50.94 € (gross) on average and will apply every month", starting on October 9.

Germany changes the rules

The German government approved a pension reform on Wednesday. The legal retirement age is to be increased from 65.8 to 67 in 2031. Anyone who postpones their retirement and works for at least one year will receive the lost pension payments. Employer contributions to pension insurance and unemployment insurance will also be paid to employees who decide to continue working, in addition to their salary. This would correspond to: a gross salary increase of 10.6%.

Information letters will be sent to the seniors concerned in the coming days. Some 600,000 general pensioners had already seen their pensions increase last fall.

Good news

But “for retirees who left before 2009, twenty, thirty or forty years ago, it was necessary to reconstruct their careers and sometimes even by searching through paper archives”, explains Renaud Villard to justify this delay in revaluations.

More good news is planned for retirees. The Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension is due to increase, as it does every year, on 1 November. Basic pensions are due to be revalued on 1 January 2025.

The retirement age has also been raised from 62 to 64 at the same time. “Since September 2023 and by the end of 2024, around 840,000 people will have left under the rule of the new reform", specifies the director of the Cnav.

A major issue for Matignon

Emmanuel Macron has made it a red line, by placing this subject at the heart of discussions on the choice of the next tenant of Matignon. The head of state refuses to see his pension reform called into question, just like Laurent Wauquiez's LR troops, while the New Popular Front has placed the repeal of this controversial text at the top of its priorities. Whatever the Prime Minister's position, the deputies could quickly put the subject back on the table. The RN should propose the repeal of the text as early as next month. The lines also seem to be moving in Macronie, where François Bayrou says he is “convinced” of being able to “find a better “balance”.

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