Fishermen caught red-handed fishing in the 300m strip off Vias beach, which is closed to navigation

Fishermen caught red-handed fishing in the 300m strip off Vias beach, which is closed to navigation

Devant Vias, les patrons pêcheurs s’autorisent la pêche sur des zones interdites dans la bande des 300 m durant la nuit. DR

Les pêcheurs mis en cause ont été identifiés. Ils seront convoqués devant les enquêteurs de la gendarmerie de Marseillan pour répondre de leurs infractions. Ils pêchaient de nuit sur un secteur interdit.

As early as July, individuals on vacation were sharing photos of fishing boats sailing in the 300-meter strip off the west coast.
Many wondered about the presence of these fishing boats in a zone prohibited to navigation.

Concern of vacationers

On social networks, many comments tried to find explanations for this presence. “They have no business being there,” insisted a festival-goer present at the “Vias on the Beach Festival”. If we decide to take a bath in the middle of the night, we could be hit by these illegal fishermen.” To solve this problem, complaints were filed with the Marseillan maritime gendarmerie brigade. Many photos were brought to the investigators and, according to our information, the suspects were identified.

They are identified

"Several fishermen have been identified, confirmed the mayor of Vias, Jordan Dartier. All will be summoned to explain themselves, but also and above all, to answer for the offenses committed. They were sailing and fishing at night in an area prohibited to navigation. They have no business being there. Nor do they have to scrape the seabed in these areas. There are authorized fishing areas for this."

In the area, a few small fishing bosses, as they are called in the region, ignore the fishing bans and forget to respect the prohibited areas. One of them had brought up the wreck of a boat that had mysteriously sunk, while for the needs of the investigation a zone had been established to respect the wreck and allow investigators to work. Everything was destroyed by this gesture.

The dune reconstruction nets were not affected

Luckily, despite everything, the fishermen involved in this story did not hang the net installed at the beginning of July and which should allow the beaches in front of Vias to be re-sanded. This would have had a very significant ecological cost, but also a very significant financial cost. To be continued!

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