Five police vehicles in front of the courthouse: suspects being brought to court

Five police vehicles in front of the courthouse: suspects being brought to court

Des véhicules de police garés devant le tribunal ce samedi 10 février. HOCINE ROUAGDIA

Les policiers de Nîmes ont présenté des suspects  à des magistrats  du tribunal judiciaire pour des affaires d'armes et de stupéfiants de Nîmes et de  Bagnols-sur-Cèze.

A total of five police vehicles were parked this afternoon near the courthouse, marking high activity in terms of suspects presented to the magistrates. Individuals were taken to court after a phase of police custody. Some suspected in a weapons and drugs case in Nîmes. Thursday February 8, Bac police officers arrested two  minors and one major  in the Chemin-Bas-d'Avignon area. The police had discovered a significant quantity of   drugs and a handgun. 

The other suspects would also be linked to an investigation into drug trafficking and the discovery of an automatic weapon in Bagnols-sur-Cèze (a Glock 9mm pistol) which was found during a police operation which took place on February 9. The intervention led to the seizure of approximately 1kg of cannabis resin, around fifty grams of coke and the weapon. This Saturday at the beginning of the evening, no information has filtered out on the legal consequences given to these hearings at the courthouse. It is possible that certain facts give rise to immediate appearances.

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