Food products, household appliances… why the prices of many items have fallen compared to last summer ?
|Les baisses de prix se multiplient dans les grandes surfaces. MAXPPP – Richard Villalon
According to INSEE, a significant drop in prices in supermarkets for frozen products and cooking oils is being felt compared to last summer. A drop was also noted for pasta, poultry and ready meals.
In supermarkets, many products are now cheaper than in summer 2023, according to INSEE. And this drop is mainly felt in the food section. Frozen fruits are on average 17% cheaper, indicates BFMTV, while margarine also fell by 3.5%, as did poultry, frozen fish and pasta.
Ready-made meals and ice cream
Ready-to-eat food products also saw a drop in prices, such as ready-made meals (-2.8%), ice cream (-2.6%) and ham and sausage (-0.8%). For pizzas and quiches, the drop is less noticeable (-0.4%).
While oils cost almost 13% less than last year, olive oil, on the other hand, costs much more than a year ago (+32.9%). Between 2016 and today, its price has simply doubled. According to our colleagues, this is primarily due to a drop in production in Spain due to the drought. Olive oil is not the only one to have climbed: cocoa and chocolate powder are up 5%, as are orange juice. Vegetables are also more expensive + 6.6 %.
Finally, still according to INSEE, food is not the only sector experiencing deflation since the prices of household appliances are also falling due to sharply declining sales of refrigerators, freezers, vacuum cleaners and toasters.