Former FC Sète coach Marc Bourrier has died at the age of 89

Former FC Sète coach Marc Bourrier has died at the age of 89

The Louis-Michel stadium mourns its former coach. Midi Libre – CAMBON SYLVIE

Marc Bourrier, former coach of the French espoir team and Olympique de Marseille, left us at the age of 89. Born in Hérault, he distinguished himself during a short stint at FC Sète in 1997.

Marc Bourrier died on Monday, August 12 at the age of 89. Born in Ganges, he left his mark on the singular island. He coached FC Sète for six months during the 1996-1997 season. Despite this short stint, Marc Bourrier left his mark on the players with his professionalism.

From player to coach

Marc Bourrier started out as a player. He played for about ten years in clubs in the south of France such as Montpellier (1957-1963) and Toulon (1966-1968).

But it is above all as a coach that he excels. He joined several clubs on the Riviera before joining Clairefontaine as assistant to Michel Hidalgo then to Henri Michel. He was then entrusted with the junior team in 1988. And what a success since in the same year he won the first title in the history of the Bleuets during the European Championship.

The professional

Building on his success, he arrived at Olympique de Marseille in June 1993. The club has just won the Champions League but the VA-OM affair does not help Marc Bourrier, sacked for disappointing results. This is how the Gangeois settled down in National at FC Sète at the start of 1997. He remained on the bench for around thirty matches. His record is mixed but his character has earned respect among the players. "He maintained professionalism, as if it’was Marseille" , declares former midfielder Christophe Rouve.

He was dismissed in the summer of 1997 and joined the Alès club before leaving the world of football. For football fans, Marc Bourrier will remain the first coach to win a trophy with the Bleuets. The FC Sète players will remember a coach "accessible and attentive to the players".

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