Former Mayor Savagely Attacked By Mastiff In Cemetery, Dog Breeder Asks To Be Released From Prison

Former Mayor Savagely Attacked By Mastiff In Cemetery, Dog Breeder Asks To Be Released From Prison

La cour rendra son arrêt dans deux jours. Ici lors d'une précédente comparution de l'éleveuse ARCHIVES HOCINE ROUAGDIA

The breeder of the Argentinian dog who killed Annette Guibal, the former mayor of Canaules-et-Argentières, has been incarcerated since May 30, 2024. She was charged with involuntary manslaughter and tampering with the crime scene and placed in pretrial detention. This Wednesday, the investigating chamber examined a request for release

The dog breeder who killed the former mayor of Canaules-et-Argentières asked the Nîmes Court of Appeal to release her this Wednesday, May 28. She has been incarcerated since her indictment on May 30. She is suspected of involuntary manslaughter and tampering with a crime scene. The case dates back to May 28 when a former elected official (93 years old) was attacked in the cemetery while she was visiting the grave of a deceased person. One of the breeder's dogs, wandering in the cemetery, had attacked Annette Guibal. The animal had been entrusted to an 18-year-old girl, who was doing an internship with the breeder. The nonagenarian had lost her life and the breeder was taken into custody and then brought before an investigating judge at the Alès judicial court. Judge Pagès had questioned this woman and considered that he considered serious and consistent evidence to order several indictments, including the breeder. The 18-year-old intern had also been indicted for involuntary manslaughter. But she had been released due to her lack of criminal record.

The attorney general requests that she remain in prison

This Wednesday, the investigating chamber of the Nîmes Court of Appeal examined a new request for the breeder's release, but in her absence. This gave rise to a brief reminder of the facts and the submissions of the attorney general who opposed the release of the breeder. She indicated that the latter had “covered up” things after the fact. She also mentioned pressure to make or not make certain statements during the investigation. The prosecution representative also mentioned another indictment of the breeder to dismiss her request for release. Ms. Raymond also insisted on the absence of a defined plan to justify and support a judicial review. The breeder was not present, nor was her counsel. The court is expected to deliver its judgment on Friday, August 30.

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