Four days after the start of the school year, the town of Bagnols-sur-Cèze is once again in festive attire

Four days after the start of the school year, the town of Bagnols-sur-Cèze is once again in festive attire

Les installations foraines prêtes pour que la fête commence.

La fête votive démarre vendredi 6 et s’achève dimanche 8 septembre 2024. Au programme de nombreux manèges mais aussi des spectacles de lanceurs de drapeaux et des déambulations musicales.

The young people have barely returned to school and already it is a real festive recreation that is offered to them with the votive festival and its fairground attractions. It was midday this Wednesday, September 4, 2024, market day when the first semi-trailers invested the hypercenter of the city of Bagnols-sur-Cèze.

There was the same excitement on Place Mallet. Between 10 and 11 am, Mayor Jean-Yves Chapelet, accompanied by two deputies, the president of the Festival Committee and municipal staff, recorded the final sequences of a self-promotion show. The votive festival is well and truly underway, with its luminous rides, attractions and abundance of illuminations.

Flag throwers

Colette Dagani is the president of the Festival Committee. “We will have four flag-throwing shows that will take place on the Esplanade Mourgue”, she announced. It has been about twenty years since we last saw this type of entertainment at a votive festival in Bagnols-sur-Cèze. Another very popular attraction is the race of the café boys and girls, whose popularity is rarely denied. It will take place on Place Berlin Boissin at 11 o'clock. The list of events is obviously not exhaustive.

New festive format

The mayor of Bagnols-sur-Cèze is pleased with the format of this votive festival which he says, ” is no longer debated today. We found a modus vivendi. Everyone is satisfied. We are lucky to have a festival held in the city center. The population enjoys the attractions. And at the same time the city does not stop moving forward for a week. » The mayor of Bagnols-sur-Cèze congratulates his first deputy Maxime Couston, who, he says, « worked to bring peace back between the fairground workers and the municipality."

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