Frédéric Bort will not necessarily be invested by the RN in the 9th constituency of Hérault

Frédéric Bort will not necessarily be invested by the RN in the 9th constituency of Hérault

Frédéric Bort pourrait ne pas être investi par le RN sur la 9e circonscription de l’Hérault. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

Frédéric Bort pourrait payer ses relations difficiles avec son ex-employeur, le maire de Perpignan Louis Aliot.

Will Frédéric Bort benefit as he hopes from the investiture of the National Rally in the 9th constituency of Hérault? The man who has great ambitions for the town hall of Lunel could be preferred Charles-Henri Alloncle (according to Le Monde), a former LR activist, who was president of the Young People with Sarkozy and unsuccessful candidate for the ;rsquo;election of the Young Republicans in 2019.

Frédéric Bort, who left the town hall of Perpignan where he was Louis Aliot's chief of staff, recently lost his position as departmental director of the RN of Hérault. Joined by Midi Libre, he neither confirms nor affirms this possible refusal of an investiture on a territory currently in the hands of the Renaissance deputy Patrick Vignal: "The discussions are not over assures Frédéric Bort. And the nominations have not yet fallen. So everything will still change in the hours and days to come. But one thing is certain: in this constituency, the LR no longer exists. They weighed 5.17% in the Europeans on Sunday."

The one who was the right arm of the socialist Georges Frêche defines himself today as "a historical marinist" and believes that, if an agreement is made with LR Ciotti version, the "marinists could also exist".

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