From the Elysée to Montpellier, Lucie Castets “optimistic” and much applauded at the Communist Party's summer university

From the Elysée to Montpellier, Lucie Castets "optimistic" and much applauded at the Communist Party's summer university

From the Elysée to Montpellier, Lucie Castets "optimistic" and much applauded at the Communist Party's summer university

Lucie Castets aux côtés de Fabien Roussel. Midi Libre

The candidate of the New Popular Front participated in a workshop at the PCF Summer University alongside the national secretary Fabien Roussel at the Corum.

Received this Friday morning by Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée, Lucie Castets participated this evening in the PCF Summer University in Montpellier. Around 800 people cheered her on her arrival alongside Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF, in the Pasteur room at the Corum. The candidate chosen by the New Popular Front to occupy the seat of Prime Minister did not fail to mention this meeting by ironizing the president's procrastination. “We had a frank discussion. We held the helm in front of him by all pulling in the same direction. He recognized that the French were waiting for a change in policy, this raises a form of optimism.” The laughter in the room indicates the lack of confidence in a president who is only just starting the consultations.

“Ready to seek agreements”

Lucie Castets repeated “being ready to seek agreements, even if there are subjects on which we will not be able to find compromises”. With a very rapid flow, the candidate recalled the priorities to be implemented: repeal of the pension reform, increase of the minimum wage to 1,600 euros, revaluation of the treatment of civil servants. Criticizing the “austerity budget” of the government, she committed to giving more resources to health and education. How ? "By raising new revenues through the fight against financial delinquency for example."

Social, budgetary, security issues

School medicine, maternal and child protection, public hospital… Many social issues are addressed, but not only. When she addresses the theme of security, Lucie Castets insists on "prevention, proximity in security, the fight against far-right terrorism". Coming from civil society, she does not “shirk” when asked which component of the NFP she feels closest to. “It all depends on the subjects. From the PC if it is about social issues, from the ecologists on the environment…" One thing is certain, if a liberal-leaning government is formed, then "it will be censored".

Lucie Castets will meet Michaël Delafosse, NFP supporter during the legislative elections, this Saturday morning.

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