Gard: ceremony at the gendarmerie group for the citizen reserve, local figures receive their badge

Gard: ceremony at the gendarmerie group for the citizen reserve, local figures receive their badge

The recipients at the end of the ceremony this Wednesday, June 12. HOCINE ROUAGDIA

Gard: ceremony at the gendarmerie group for the citizen reserve, local figures receive their badge

Gard: ceremony at the gendarmerie group for the citizen reserve, local figures receive their badge

David Tebib, le président de l’Usam. HOCINE ROUAGDIA

Trois personnalités gardoises entrent dans la réserve citoyenne de la gendarmerie. Ce mercredi 12 juin, le docteur Mounir Benslima, David Tebib et Frédéric Ollier distingués en présence du générale Chuberre.

Three personalities from Gard were distinguished this Wednesday, June 12 following a ceremony in the courtyard of the Gard gendarmerie group which honored the citizen reserve of the gendarmerie. In this regard, Doctor Mounir Benslima who heads the forensic medicine unit of the Nîmes University Hospital received the badge from the hands of General Chuberre who commands the Gard group. The doctor was therefore approved in the citizen reserve of the gendarmerie with the rank of lieutenant-colonel.

Gard: ceremony at the gendarmerie group for the citizen reserve, local figures receive their badge

Doctor Mounir Benslima, Frédéric Ollier, David Tebib, in the courtyard of the group, here in the presence of General Chuberre. HOCINE ROUAGDIA

In the same way, and with the same rank, another figure in the department, David Tebib, the president of Usam (handball) also has the badge of the citizen reserve during a solemn ceremony. Frédéric Ollier, who in the past was a college principal and a career focused on education, was also decorated on the occasion of this entry into the citizen reserve.

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