General indignation in Lozère after Jean-Luc Mélenchon's remarks

General indignation in Lozère after Jean-Luc Mélenchon's remarks

Les Lozériens se sont sentis insultés par les propos de Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART

Dans une vidéo, le leader de La France insoumise laisse entendre qu"il n’y a pas "d’élite intellectuelle en Lozère.

There is a stir on social networks about statements by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, even though they date back about ten days. The leader of La France Insoumise declared during his party's summer universities that Lozère, unlike Martinique, did not cultivate an intellectual elite.

This short burst of enthusiasm was first taken up by various far-right accounts, such as that of a certain Jean Banville who specifies in his biography that he is “proud to be a native Frenchman” and is “allergic to the leftists and the environmentalists".


Then, the snowball effect did the rest and the video clip of about thirty seconds was widely taken up and commented on, notably by Lozériens, shocked by Jean-Luc Mélenchon's remarks.

Julien Tuffery, owner of the eponymous workshop in Florac, personally invited the former presidential candidate to come and see for himself that Lozère was populated by many elites, according to the definition of the Petit Robert, “set of the most remarkable people”. The administrator of the Facebook page of the departmental council, for his part, did not beat around the bush: “Marie-Rose Brugeron, Righteous Among the Nations, Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Henri Bourrillon or Théophile Roussel like so many other Lozériens are the honor of France. Quite the opposite of this ham … without a destiny…” Ambiance.

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