Handball: Nîm’arguerittes, 60 minutes from such great happiness

Handball: Nîm’arguerittes, 60 minutes from such great happiness

This season, Maurine Semerle and her teammates will have literally walked on pool 8 of N2. FREE MIDI – MIKAËL ANISSET

By dominating (27-22) his runner-up Nice, Saturday April 20 at home, on the occasion of the 19th day of Nationale 2, the leader Nîm’arguerittes now only needs ;rsquo;a victory in three matches to reach N1.

''I think this is the first time I've seen so many people at the gym. All the women's licensees, whether on the Marguerittes or Usam side, were presented on the field, which allowed the stand to be filled. It was a really great atmosphere with around 300 spectators.'' Sunday, less than 24 hours after an idyllic evening and a few minutes after a lunch at the Halles de Nîmes, where actors and actresses had gathered, Antoine Soulier, coach of Nîm’arguerittes, remembers these moments of communion.

Soulier, coach: ''For the moment, we are on target with the objectives set' '

Victorious 27-22 over Nice, runner-up now pushed back five lengths in the standings, the Gardoises already have one foot and four toes in Nationale 1. Soulier has done his accounts: ''Even if Nice wins all its matches, we only need one victory. And if Nice concedes a defeat, the team is sure to move up.''
After winning sixteen out of nineteen matches, winning one out of three seems like a formality. Favorite at the start of the season, the promoted Gard will therefore have held its place. ''Saturday, when Jérôme Chauvet (general manager of Usam, Editor's note) sent me a message, I told him that, for the moment, we was on target with the objectives set, says Antoine Soulier.

The sacred Gardoises in Eyguières Saturday ?

If the second stage of the rocket has taken off well, ''the third will take a little longer to put in place'', smiles a coach who can be proud of ;rsquo;a group expected from everywhere but who waited for no one on the way.

After the regional French Cup, won at Bercy last season – the first trophy in the young history of a section founded, in the summer of 2022, with the merger between CS Marguerittes handball and Usam – Nîm’arguerittes, in the event of victory at Eyguières (7th), Saturday, will officially be in N1. If applicable, the Lattes reception on May 11 will allow the champions to share with their audience. The Michel-Mazel gymnasium is already preparing for another great evening.


Construction NICE: 22
Michel-Mazel Gymnasium.
Half time: 19-12.
Referees: MM. Dortel and Drivet.
NÎM’ARGUERITTES : Leviez (11 saves), Jacquet. E. Biscuit (1/3), J. Biscuit (2/2), L. Biscuit (cap.) (2/5), Brun (1/2), Curabec, Fayet, Hantz (1/2), Polo (6/9), Renault (2/5), Roelandt (6/9), Semerle (4/9), Van de Voorde (2/4).

N2 FEMININE –  The Bouillargues reserve, Saturday as the curtain raiser for the pennant team, lost 18-25 (8-12) against Arve-Giffre. A prejudicial defeat, in this duel of poorly ranked group 7. With this 14th setback and three days from the final, the Gardoises now find themselves eleventh, in a relegation position, two lengths behind Arve-Giffre. The Bouillarguaises only lasted twenty minutes. They then led 7-5 before conceding a terrible 7-1! In the second half, they were never able to catch up. The scorers: Baldet (6), A. Famery (4), C. Famery (2), Roussel (2), Pinna (1), Vacheret (1), Sanfilippo ( 2)

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