Harassed schoolboy, century-old pastry chef, children forgotten at the station: the essential news in the region

Harassed schoolboy, century-old pastry chef, children forgotten at the station: the essential news in the region

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, l'essentiel de l'actualité en région sur midilibre.fr.

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l'essentiel de l'actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Sofian bientôt au cinéma

#BEZIERS. Sofian Ribes, suffering from ataxia-telangiectasia, participates, along with the comedian Artus, in the film Un p’tit something extra which will be released on May 1st. Eager to raise awareness of this disease and raise funds for his association, the boy is active on social networks. The success is dazzling. He obtained a role on television in the series Toulouse-Lautrec on TF1. And now, it's time for the cinema with comedian Artus who noticed him during a TikTok live. "We have had a very close relationship ever since&quot ;, testifies Sofian.

Despite his change of school, Luka still harassed

#GARD.Target of bullying and violence, Luka left his college in Hérault for an establishment in Gard where the acts did not stop. His mother testifies: "Upon his arrival, one of Luka’s teachers thought it appropriate to organize a debate around bullying at school. Unfortunately, following this, Luka appeared as a fragile and vulnerable child. And for my son, hell started again from there", laments Vanessa Dominguez again.

His parents, after filing four criminal complaints, decided to hire a lawyer that day when, pushed to the limit, Luka allegedly "attempted to commit the&rsquo ;irreparable". When contacted, the college management was unable to respond to our requests. 

Today’s figure: 100

#MONTPELLIER. Edgar Scholler, the "most Montpellier of Alsatians", celebrates his 100th birthday. The emblematic pastry chef arrived in the Hérault prefecture after the war. He took over “Blanche neige”, a modest bakery on rue de l’Aiguillerie, before moving to avenue de Lodève and opening two other shops, avenue de la Justice- from-Castelnau to Montpellier and Lattes. Edgar and his wife Reine wrote some of the tastiest pages of local pastry and chocolate making there.

Agriculture: emergency aid triggered

#HERAULT.Emergency aid for agriculture was launched by the prefecture on Monday. Professionals in the department now have until February 23 to request this "emergency fund for viticulture" by completing a file on the website demarches-simplifies.fr.

To benefit from it, wine growers will have to prove a loss of turnover or a loss of harvest for the year 2023, in comparison with the figures for 2020 or 2022, the two reference years retained by the public authorities. It is on this basis that a compensation scale was put in place by the DDTM34, the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea. On January 31, the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau had announced 80 million euros in emergency aid for the profession. At the same time, the executive mentioned a bonus for grubbing up a maximum of 100,000 hectares – compared to 150 million euros; – to help restructure the French vineyard.

40 children forgotten at the station

#MONTPELLIER. This Saturday, February 10, 40 children had an eventful start on vacation. Aged 4 to 14, they were part of the TGV Inoui “Junior & Cie”, which allows them to travel without their parents. "The departure was postponed due to a suicide attempt on the tracks", explains one of the attendants.
The children and their parents were therefore asked to wait in the upstairs hall, while waiting for an announcement regarding departure. "But there’ didn't get it! And when we went to ask the station master, the train had already left!" The children were finally able to board the next TGV and reach the capital a few hours late&hellip ;

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