He breaks the window of a utility vehicle and grabs a bag: an irregular Tunisian sentenced to prison
|Il a brisé la vitre avec un petit marteau. L'INDEPENDANT – Illustration C. B.
Le mis en cause a écopé de quatre mois de prison ferme avec mandat de dépôt. Son comparse, qui jouait les guetteurs, a été condamné à la même peine mais intégralement assortie du sursis.
This Saturday, August 3, around 4 p.m., police officers from the anti-crime squad spotted two individuals near the Saint-Roch train station in Montpellier who seemed to be taking a close interest in parked vehicles.
They decide to follow them discreetly. Especially since one of the two is seen with a small window-breaking hammer in his hand.
A utility mistaken for target
However, disturbed either by motorists or by pedestrians, they do not take action. But it will only be postponed…
Indeed, having arrived on the rue de la Méditerranée, a quieter thoroughfare, while one is keeping watch, the other is not don't pray to break the window of a parked van. After searching the vehicle, he came out with a bag in his hand.
Immediate appearances
The two were arrested in flagrante delicto. They are two homeless Tunisians, aged 22, in an irregular situation on French territory.
Placed in police custody, they could only acknowledge the facts. Brought before the public prosecutor this Monday morning, they were presented at the immediate appearance hearing of the Montpellier criminal court immediately afterwards.
The rioter was sentenced to four months in prison and imprisoned. As for the lookout, he received the same sentence but with a full suspended sentence.