He buys an apple pie at the supermarket and finds a ballpoint pen inside, the establishment “disclaims all responsibility”

He buys an apple pie at the supermarket and finds a ballpoint pen inside, the establishment "disclaims all responsibility"

La grande surface lui a finalement fait un geste commercial. MAXPPP – Richard Villalon

Un habitant de Dordogne a trouvé un stylo dans la tarte aux pommes qu'il a acheté au supermarché. L’établissement décline toute responsabilité dans cette erreur.

On January 23, Lilian, a resident of Dordogne, found, in an apple pie purchased in a Leclerc supermarket, an orange pen filled with ink. "We first thought it was a bean slipped by mistake, explains this forty-year-old to our colleagues from Sud- West. But in fact, it was a ballpoint pen deformed by heat, continues the person concerned. It was stuck between the dough and the aluminum pan."

The management declines all responsibility

Disillusioned by his find, Lilian returned to the supermarket to tell management about his find. There, we explain to him that the pies are not made on site, but simply put in the oven. The establishment assures him that he will "escalate the problem"  to the Pasquier company, which manufactures the tarts. But to date, the father has not received any feedback from the subcontractor.

"A person from Saint-Astier called me back to tell me that the Pasquier management declined any responsibility. According to her, the quality control system would have detected the presence of the pen " he continues. Still according to Sud-Ouest, Lilian was finally reimbursed for the pie and would have received a 10 euro voucher from the supermarket, a gesture that he judges insufficient.

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