He had gone fishing during bad weather: an 80-year-old man dies trapped by the tide

He had gone fishing during bad weather: an 80-year-old man dies trapped by the tide

L'homme est mort en pratiquant de la pêche à pieds. France-Bleu Breizh Izel – AURELIE LAGAIN

Cet homme âgé de 80 ans n'a pas pu être réanimé malgré l'intervention des secours ce dimanche 10 mars.

Drama in Charente-Maritime. An 80-year-old man drowned on Sunday March 10 on the island of Ré, reports France Bleu La Rochelle. Passionate about fishing on foot and living in the town of Sainte-Marie, on the island of Ré, this man was trapped by the tide while out fishing.

While a helicopter was in the air at the time of the drowning to monitor the rising tide, the aircraft quickly flew to the beach of the Target. Once there, a diver went into the water to bring the senior back to the beach. Despite numerous resuscitation attempts by the emergency services, the octogenarian died. It was the Smur doctor who certified the death.

Firefighters call for caution

The firefighters of Charente-Maritime insist this Sunday on the cautious attitude to adopt, while the Atlantic coast entered an episode of very high tides, which should peak on Monday and Tuesday with coefficients 116.  Charente-Maritime has been placed on orange flood alert.

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