Heatwave: food, bedding, clothing… tips for sleeping better on summer nights ?

As the nights are getting hotter and hotter this August, what are the most effective tips for falling asleep properly despite the heat ?

The heatwave is set to last, especially in the south of France where the days are increasingly stifling. With such conditions, it can be difficult to fall asleep once night falls. However, there are several tips for falling asleep properly.

Keep the bedroom cool

To keep your bedroom cool, it is essential to keep windows and shutters closed throughout the day, and open them at the right time: late in the evening or early in the night. The fan also seems to be the best option to cool the room by circulating the air. A wet sheet on the windowsill can also be a good idea to lower the temperature, recalls Santé Magazine.

The importance of nutrition

In the evening, it is advisable to eat light and, if possible, a cold meal. Indeed, calories increase body temperature and energy expenditure, which does not help you sleep. Salads, fruits and vegetables or fish are therefore recommended. It is also necessary to drink large quantities during the day, advises La Dépêche. On these stifling nights, a bottle of water near your bed seems indispensable.

Getting dressed

There is no point sleeping naked in such heat. It is instead advisable to opt for loose clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton or linen. The important thing is that they don't stick to the skin in order to let air through and prevent perspiration.


The bed can also be a determining factor. The sheets should be cotton so that they don't stick to the skin. Those made of silk should therefore be avoided. Foam mattresses should also be avoided, in favor of spring models. Finally, still according to La Dépêche, some brands sell cooling pillows and pillow covers for people who suffer from difficult nights due to the heat.

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