His depravity knew no bounds: the sadistic and perverted urologist who sexually tortured his patients, before the courts

His depravity knew no bounds: the sadistic and perverted urologist who sexually tortured his patients, before the courts

Sa condamnation est fixée pour le 20 novembre prochain. ENVATO ELEMENTS – nansanh

Près de 143 patients supplémentaires ont poursuivi en justice Darius Paduch, ancien urologue de la ville de New-York, reconnu coupable de "sadisme" sur près de 310 patients en avril dernier. Son procès s’est ouvert ce 3 septembre 2024.

The case that has shocked the United States involves nearly 310 men assaulted by a single person: “Darius Paduch exploited more male patients than any predator in history,”, plaintiffs' attorney Anthony T. DiPietro said, the NY Post reported on September 3.

From at least 2007 to 2019, he sexually assaulted patients, including minors. He continued to abuse other people when he began practicing at another hospital on Long Island in 2019.

Patients tortured and humiliated continuously

The doctor's depravity knew no bounds, according to accounts shared during the trial on Tuesday.

He would inject a serum into the penis of some victims to force them to have erections for long periods of time. He would enlarge the penis until it became deformed and perform cystoscopies – where a tube is inserted into the urethra – without anesthesia.

Darius Paduch also forced some patients to get on all fours for allegedly humiliating exams, the documents allege.

At times, the abuse took place in front of nurses, assistants and even other doctors, according to court documents.

Underage victims

Under the guise of necessary medical care, the urologist asked his patients to masturbate in front of him – or masturbated them himself – often while showing pornographic images and videos. He sometimes measured his patients' erect penises and used “phallic-shaped sex toys” on them.

One patient also saw the urologist for more than ten years, starting at age 7. Another was 13, the documents say.

One victim said the man squeezed his penis so hard that it was bruised for weeks, the documents say. Another plaintiff claimed the doctor prescribed him so many unnecessary medications that he suffered liver failure.

His employers knew about it since at least 2017

Darius Paduch continued to practice his twisted and unhealthy medicine until his arrest in 2023, but court documents say his employers knew about his appalling abuses since at least 2017.

He has also “maintained his innocence since the beginning of this case,”, his lawyers said to AP.

Found guilty of 13 counts of sexual abuse in federal court, the urologist faces a maximum sentence of 60 years in prison. His sentencing is set for November 20.

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