Home abortions up 40% in US: study supports one of Kamala Harris's flagship promises

In the United States, so-called “home” abortions have increased by 40% since 2021, a figure correlated with the decision of the American Supreme Court to eliminate the federal guarantee of the right to abortion, according to a study by JAMA Network published on July 30, 2024.

The cancellation of the ruling“Roe v. Wade” of 1973 had several consequences. If, according to the Society of Family Planning, cited by TF1, an increase in the number of abortions in the United States is paradoxically observable, there is also an increase in voluntary terminations of pregnancies (IVG) called “home”.

According to a study published in JAMA Network Open, the number of women of childbearing age who have attempted an abortion on their own is 3.4%. This is a 40% increase since 2021, linked to limitations on access to reproductive health facilities.

The criminalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy leads to a fear of seeking help

In the United States, the criminalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy leads to a fear of seeking help from institutions designed for this purpose. This directly impacts the quality of care and the use of appropriate medical care, according to 20 minutes. According to the study, 4 out of 10 attempted so-called "home" abortions are practiced by people under 20 years old.

The methods are varied and "potentially dangerous", according to experts. 25.9% of people use weed, 29.7% directly physically harm their body and 18.6% consume alcohol or other substances. 15% of women who attempt abortion on their own end up seeking medical care due to bleeding or pain.

Implementing Safe and Effective Methods 

Ethno-racial minorities, as well as people who identify as sexual and gender minorities, are more likely to resort to abortion practices "home".

Researchers are calling for action to address this issue. They are asking, on the one hand, to train health professionals in the complications related to these practices, and on the other hand, to implement methods "safe and effective" to meet the needs of the population.

Kamala Harris, candidate for the Democratic camp in the American presidential election, is making a point of re-establishing protection at the federal level, in the event that she is elected. Even before being a presidential candidate, she already had a close eye on the issue. In March 2024, she made a “historical visit”, in the words of the media USA Today, to a family planning center.

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